Monday, August 15, 2005


Tonight we were @ Clayton church (me, Al, Mikey and Caiwin), and it was an awesome service - here are some random pics I took, one being Dechoko sucking on a foreign object which I presume he found on the floor, another of me and a pet rat that one of the Clayton members had brought to church, and the other of the 'crew' (Al, Mikey and Caiwin) :P

Funny thing was, I asked the girl if I could take a photo OF the rat (named Cooper, by the way, and actually quite cute (and fat, but I usually find fat things quite cute)), and she thought I meant WITH, and proceeded to place Cooper on my shoulder :S Have to admit, he was pretty well behaved...

Was fun to visit Clayton, love the people there, and Dan's an awesome preacher. Also quite amusing to walk in with three guys that are extremely good looking... was just funny as :D I'm lucky I'm not older and desparately seeking, cuz they were the wrong guys to be with if I was :P

... what a weekend :D

Friday was a complete blur, working flat out all day, being the last one to leave the office (*sniff*), racing home, eating, racing to cell, leading worship, going home and talking on msn till 3 in the morning...

And then waking up wayyyyy too early @ 7:30am :'( Went to the Surrender Conference (featuring Jackie Pullinger) which went from 9:45am-10:30pm, and in short, and without exaggeration, it has changed my life.

My plans for it, my dreams and hopes... the conference challenged me, stretched me and yet it also released me. It confirmed for me so many things that had been swirling in my head for the last couple of weeks and months...

... and now there's this plan, that's been so neatly formed in my head, and so amazingly confirmed by Jackie herself, that everytime I think about it, it just seems too perfect a fit, that there just seems to be no way I can mis-interpret this, like no way @ all.

AND if I was even having any second thoughts about this matter at all, the message that Dan Lian gave at Clayton Church Sunday night ( just sealed it, a talk entitled "Kill the cow and burn the plough".

I know God loves to repeat important things so we might understand... but WOW - I'm freaked out and psyched, and I LOVE being there, I want to take that next step.


Freakatronic said...

Eeeey, Nate. I'm glad you enjoyed the service! I think it was hella cool to be out with you guys. It was like having friends! At ACF I've met a lot of people, but I guess the reality is that just meeting people is meaningless. You gotta find people who you can be good friends with, or your time was wasted. I feel like time with you and Al is always time well spent, so thanks for not brushing me off, thanks for treating me like a friend. Not to sound all 'inferiority complex-y, I just appreciate it. Unfortunately, we can't stamp a big 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' on Sunday night. What, with ending up in the totally wrong crowd at the totally wrong cafe (The older dudes? A mob cafe? Just bad luck I guess...). Anyhow, laters. My lunch break is over...

nate said...

OMG... that was so the mob on that table man... and what was WITH the back room, where people just came off the street and went into, and never came back out of?!

I thought the mission was a success!! You DID get to spend some q time with a certain unicorn, and we all had a blast :D

Even if we've all learnt not to let Dechoko order for us next time, BOHAHAHAHAHA... :D

Anonymous said...

Wrong people to tag along with after the service, sorry Nate, at least we had fun, just the guys. so nice to meet you and check out your site (linked from Mikey's). should be writing up a script for my chinese class...
I want to play more sometime, Mikey can work that sort of stuff out, maybe this weekend or something?
hope the Clayton guys don't think we were out church-girl-hunting... erk...

-kaiwin (