Thursday, March 29, 2007

To my friends...

Gee, three posts for the entire month!! That’s dropping the blog-ball a fair bit :)

So why would this be… what’s happening to keep nate from venting virtually on a regular basis…

With so many good things happening, so many great times shared and experienced, it’s not for a lack of ‘stuff’…

Perhaps, it’s the excess of stuff that’s stopped me from taking this time out; an excess that I’ve only started to manage again, a recent spate of ‘nothing’ nights being the first in a while…

Not to mention quite a few things that I’ve been keeping quite close… as I’m perhaps too cowardly to commit them to writing for fear that they don’t eventuate…

Things are also starting to calm down (relatively; there’s still an insane amount to get done in the next week+) at work; I gave two training sessions (Mon & Tues just past), to interstate team leaders that were flown in from all around Aus to specifically be briefed on my project, which went off to spectacular success – upon review at the end of the day, all they seemed to remember were my anecdotes and my dry, dry humour :S Not to mention impressing quite a number of my colleagues, who had up to this point assumed I was just this quiet worker bee :P

But the nate snap-shot @ this moment? Things… are still somewhat confusing. Things are still so much in the air… for the longest time I’ve been living this life where everything has been influx… and still sorta is.

Jobs (and thus finances too), transportation, friends, churches, future dreams are all incredibly fluid right now… which is more than a little disconcerting for someone who loves to buy his movie tickets 12hrs in advance, and plan out as much as he can…

On that point, it’s stretching and growing to be with a girl that lives so naturally spontaneously, and to have a best bud that’s also going through a similarly impacting time of changes… the perfect companions for this ride I’m on…

So really… this post is about something… but nothing definite… which is… pretty much my life at this point :P I DO hope to catch up personally with all you, my close friends, soon and if I’m being reticent in doing so, and organizing things, please just drag me out!!

Have missed you all, and look forward to one-on-one coffees, adventures and carpark nights again…


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

new song in nate’s head...

a magical night in a laneway from the past, with all of you in the city, my resie family...

in the memory of such loss, celebrating your beautiful wedding...

candle-lit dinners, and you my dear friends...

your smile, your voice, marking another day I find myself falling in love...

...and through it all, weaving it all together... You

you and me

Monday, March 05, 2007

To hot dates :)

Tonight, I had a hot date; an incredibly beautiful, witty and disarmingly charming one...

I chopped, assembled and candle-lit my way to a humble table spread (maybe I did pick up something last year, whilst setting lasagnes on fire with Christop...), put on a little mood music, and turned off the lights...

... and it was fun!! Even now, after I've just finished cleaning up (2hrs), it still seems like a very small price to pay for the specialness of the company

Maybe it was a combination of finally having had enough rest, and feeling for the first time in a long time, a stretch of days where I felt like me

Either way, it just felt right to show hospitality the way I used to in the city again, and incredibly fun to date five of my dear, dear friends tonight :D

Thursday, March 01, 2007

ok it's official...

i have a bloody brilliant gf :o

There are many things that have happened recently (i.e. wedding & some torrid late, late nights), and will blog about them (later), but this one simply can't wait

About a month ago, viki asked me to keep tonight free; I checked my diary, saw it as free, and booked it in... she wouldn't tell me what, just told me to keep it free

I got to her place after a long, tiring day @ work, and almost near dead exhaustion (only marginally exaggerating), change clothes, and jump back into the car; she tells me where to go, and so we head there, me still not having the foggiest of the itenary of the night...

I find out just as we're entering the main auditorium that she's bought us tix to go see the LIVE production of...

I still can't believe it... and my face is still sore from all the laughing I did tonight... :D Just so blown away by the gesture... and feel, after what's seemed like an infinite period of weariness, undeservedly blessed :)