Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mega, mega, megaman...

Hehehe, and I couldn't not post about the new Megaman art released by Capcom regarding the new PSP version they're doing, Powered Up. It's a super deformed version, and should be mega cute... get it? mega?! :D

eek, it's raining...

Twelve months, 1 week and 2.5 days down, only 2 more days to go!! Yum Cha today with everyone, with cocktails (a moot point for me as there's zero alc for bikers on their L's or P's) from 3pm tomorrow...

After what has been, in general, a really awesome year @ Agilent, it's good to also get to the other side for this one :)

I look back on it, and I can only say I've been so blessed, but it's now onto the next scary phase of life :P

Yesterday was a such a productive day... so much ticked off my to do list, which left me completely buggered, but also a little satisfied as I fell very easily to sleep for the night :P

Shopping though, was like opening Pandora's box - it gave me more of the idea of just how much more shopping I need to do, and it's added another logistical kink to my well-laid plans... hmm...

Eek, it's now thundering in Forest Hill... not going to be a fun ride home... so much for it being great weather from here on in... *sigh*...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

if you're in the country...

... I'll probably be in chaddy tonight trying to figure out last minute pressies - if anyone else is there by chance, just gimme a call :) It's open till 10pm...

what's new, natey...

well, the weather is great and there's still ALL my chrissy shopping to do :S

The w/end past was a quietish one for me, and a good one, I dunno, I just need a decent (till 4pm on the Saturday :D) sleep-in every now and again. That whole getting enough sleep thing is surely much underated... In fact, I didn't even leave the house on Saturday, which was probably a good thing as the weather wasn't fantastic :P

And, how's my LAST working week @ Agilent been??? All two days of it so far??? :P

Well, I managed to score a PC out of it (they were giving these away), a pretty decent one @ that too - dual processor PIII (533), with a dual head video card and, well only 18GB HDD and no RAM, but I'm pretty happy... I'll probably transplant my old pc into this one, as dual PIII's have gotta be a little more potent than my 'ol 700 Duron...

And for those not technically inclined, this is where you could tune back in...

Hope you've all got a great christmas's planned, will be blogging where I can, but obviously @ the same time I'll be running around headlessly attempting life-organisation before the merciless deadline of Dec 25... yes, Darren's birthday is that ominous... :P

Friday, December 16, 2005


For those wanting an interesting Halloween costume for next year, take a look @ this one...

This one's for you Mikey...

Monday, December 12, 2005

what the...

although mikey tells me that the Age is quite anti-christian, this is a bit much:

Review of the new Narnia movie

I can accept the possibility of the movie being a bad one, even if it did carry great Christian undertones, and I can even accept the reviewers own, somewhat negative views on Christianity, but what I find a little disconcerting is the forum in which she feels like she needs to voice these :S

I mean, it's supposed to be a film review?! If she wants to write an article about her gripes of religion, she should try out for the editorial pages, not the entertainment section...

holy crap...

... hmm... wonder if that subject header will provoke all sorts of theological debate? Is it sacrilege, or blasphemous??? Can crap be holy??? I think it can! We are metaphorical crap, but made holy because of Christ on the cross :D So there! WE are "holy crap" ;)

But as to the real reason of the exclamation, is that it's been one week since my last post! One week! And whilst my tardiness has somewhat come to be expected on the blogging front, I've also noticed the same of my fellow bloggers! What's going on?!

Here's my theory - we're FINALLY getting some great weather :D People are going outside to enjoy the sun, sit against a wall under a sombrero and soak in that lazy, lazy heat :D It's like that Simpsons episode, when Itchy & Scratchy change to a cartoon full of niceness - kids are finally getting out, about and sunny :P

Well, it's either that, or they've all gotten signficant others within the last couple of weeks... @ which I would be most upset and yell... "how come nobody tells me anything!" :P

I think that rounds up a good Monday rave...

Monday, December 05, 2005

oh well...

it's a great day outside, but I have so much work to catch up on, so I'm not going to get a chance to get out and enjoy it :(

Oh, and to those who have been following, my "monk" status has been somewhat postponed...

... and y'all make sure you catch up with Jo whilst you can, cuz she's leaving for the 'states this Thurs night for 3 months...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Let it grow...

Finding it incredibly hard to concentrate @ work, so I figure I'll blog for a bit - maybe it'll clear out the cob webs...

Relationships are very scary things, and there are so many schools of thought, so many opinions about how to do it right, what's considered wrong, what's not ideal... along with capital punishment, this seems to be the one topic where everyone will have an opinion about.

I'd have to admit, that I'm one of those people that have a tendancy to think I know what's right, but when I stop and think about it now, I wish I didn't think like that...

Maybe it's just my social sphere where this happens, but with so much public scrutiny and analysis, it has to be miraculous that any relationship can emerge natural, healthy and unscathed...

Not that relationships don't need a push or a prod from a helping hand every now and again, but it seems to me that sometimes the best thing to do would be to just step back, and let it grow...

Note: This post is by no means implying anything about anyone else, moreso it's just reflections of my own attitude towards other relationships.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

bleh... still not there yet... but on a BRIGHTER note...

I've got my girl back! She's so fine... I could stare @ her all day... what a bod... who am I talking about? Well either comment could apply to either girl in my life, but it's my Aprilia (bike) that's back :D

I'm back to the every-trip-anywhere-is-a-physical-ordeal, unable-to-carry-any-luggage-whatsoever life, and you know what... I love it :P

where's nate though? he hasn't blogged for ages?

I'm still trudging through the remaining hurdles that are there for me, still finishing off tardy uni work, Agilent-work and extra-curricular work - hopefully, given another two weeks, I'll be FREE and appropriately unstressed to once again fully enjoy the open air... but yah, "hopefully" is the best I can do at the moment :P

What HAS cleared up somewhat for me though, is my immediate future - I've been given notice that I've been accepted into the Urban Seed program for next year, and I'm completely psyched (read: scared).

It's a big relief to me though, to know that my immediate future is sorta panning out, and that I'm actually really ticking off my life goals... own a bike, check, commit life to a year of torture and suffering (or social work, some might say), check...

till my next post, y'all take care - hopefully it won't be too long between :)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

For those with hair...

... we're planning to experiment with bleach - no, not the anime series, but with the hair-colour altering mixture of chemical :D

Slated for this Sat (26/11) @ about 7pm @ Leanne's (1108 Stud Rd, Rowville) - comment on this post to voice your ideas on this one people...

Ok, ok, so I HAVEN'T blogged for awhile...

... so SUE me :P

Life has been unbelievably busy for me lately, and still remains so. Not really due to overwhelming social commitments unfortunately, but more so because of work, work, work...

And I'm not complaining, I really am quite blessed to have so much (to be in a uni course, to have a two income generating avenues) work, it just doesn't leave me much time to blog, that's all :)

Hopefully it'll be mostly done by the end of the month, so fingers crossed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Birthday, 'lil bro

21st birthday wishes for this day, to my friend, Eugene Ong

Monday, November 14, 2005

And on the w/end natey?

What a HUGE w/end...

This one was all booked out before we even got there :p

In brief...

Sat went to DFO with Ami, came out with a much more practical backpack for carting things around on the bike, then got lost, then found Ange's house (in Keysborough!!) for her 21st - her speeches were really funny, Ange, was a great party, thanks for the invite.

After Ange's I got to catch up with Jack, Aidz Wong and Phil Wong for a bit, as they wanted to gawk and me new gurl (still yet to be named), and then off to coc deb's for HER 23rd bday!! And that was mega fun too... the highlights? The girl wrestling! So hot! :D Ange, Adder's and Juls have never looked so hot :P Highlight #2: Ange hit on Mikey! :D deb, we didn't quite make it to the beach, but was great fun nonetheless :) We WILL make to the beach one day!

Sunday, got to sleep in a TINY bit... raced down to Life Expedition (ACCF) to hand in my shoebox present for a child that would go without, and then back to the 'burbs to wish YP a happy bday too :) Hung out @ Elton's for a bit, back to church for muso practice.

Joyous's last worship for awhile, and I had a blast... I managed (I think) to do ok with the harmonies, and it felt pretty great.

After which was the final bday for the w/end - Mel's! Thankfully it was @ her place, which is 2mins away from church. Another great party, closing the w/end in fried-food style...

natey's got a new girl

I think one post is all I can go for before saying... I got a bike!!

And not just ANY one at that... I got an AWESOME one... one that puts even my 'ol wrexy to shame.

I'd been setting my sights on a decent Japanese bike, having thought that anything else would be far out of my price range until this beauty popped up on my radar...

... and it's still stupies me somewhat, that I actually own her?! It literally feels like having a ferrari in my garage.

Question: What should natey name his bike... and for those unfamiliar with the naming process, bikes, like cars & boats, are named after girls!!

Almost there :P

It's been a long time since I've last blogged, and I'm getting oh so close to that other side :P

Whilst tiring, it's been a great journey, sorting out life issues and working towards my aspirations and goals.

Hmm... that sentence was rather vague...

Translation: Am getting to tick off all the things I need to work out :)

* Sell car, check.
* Buy bike, check.
* Follow-up Urban Seed
- (interview this coming Tues - omg, that's tomorrow?!), check.

Once all my uni work is submitted for this year, and I know if I've been accepted or not into Urban Seed, then I'll feel more like I can say, I'm on the other side :P

So yeah... almost there :D

Monday, November 07, 2005

am I on the otherside...

... well, no not quite. But with a bit more sleep, since last post, I think I'm a little closer!!

Was a huge weekend, filled with bits of my favourite things - good friends, new friends, old friends and throw in a little bit of a special friend, and it was a pretty packed one :)

But before I go on, Happy Birthday (yesterday) Ange!! And congratulations to deb on her baptism!!

Found that I won't be finishing work as early as I thought, and have a few things on for the next couple of days that are pretty significant to me - might be letting my blue baby go very soon, have a business meeting (remind me to dress up! otherwise I'm going to look awful stupid...) tomorrow, and Saturday is going to be pretty huge with birthday celebration galore, not to mention another one on Sunday...

*phew*... I better make sure I've slept all I need to this week then...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

what a month :S

was going to go through the whole subtext of what had gone on these last couple of weeks, but just thinking about it has me a little giddy...

Somehow (still not quite on the other side (do you ever really get there?!)), I seem to have (so far) ended up fairly right side up...

A lot I could go into detail about, but for now, will just point skyward and give some credit to where it's always due... thanks Big Guy, for being a good One :)

Time to hop back onto the rollercoaster ride and see where it all ends up.

Monday, October 31, 2005

not happy jan

was going to chronicle the rest of last week in this post, but when I started typing, I realised I just don't feel like it :(

Am sour, angry and a little bitter... I think that's 95% me needing sleep, and lots of it, but also partly cuz, for those who have been following, as of last night I ain't a 'quasi' anymore.

So that sux (maybe in more ways that one), but to boot, my change from that transaction was 4hrs sleep...

... bleh.

sometimes the only thing to look forward to, is home

...where home could be wherever your family is, or maybe for you it could be heaven.

I love my family, but right now I'm just looking out for heaven...

Rough w/end? Not really, moreover a rough Sunday night...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

oh, and mikey...

there's something wrong with that "alien" comment on your last post... screws up the pc @ rmit, so I couldn't comment!!

What I would have said was...

"Dude, that's so hard gay... you're blogging about frolicking in the sun and amongst the grass??? :P I'd like to introduce to a friend of mine... his name's "MAX"..."

Of course I'd be so bagging myself too, as I am a big fan of "perfect days" too :D

experiences so far

day one started obscenely early... was outside Urban Seed @ 9am where Karen (one of the resi's) took me through the building and gave me a tour, met some of the people. @ 11am we started preparation for the lunches, which involves cooking a complete meal for heaps of people :S Then there's prayer/reflection @ 11:45am.

Then everyone comes in for lunch @ 12-1:30, cleanup (which is even more h/core than cooking :S) @ 1:30pm till about 2:30pm, then there's a few meetings for the staff and volunteers, just to check in, make sure everyone's alive etc. I think the day eventually ends @ about 5:30pm... and that's day one...

for day two, the day started @ 8am, where me and Virginia (one of the part-timers) went to queen vic to pick up fresh produce for these cafe lunches. Even though it was early as, it was fun... market is much more fun than your average suburbian supermarket! Got an insane amount of food, trundled all the way back in time for lunch prep, prayer/reflection, lunch and cleanup... after which I sat in on the bible study (1:30~2:30), then that was my day :)

day 2, part 2...

and so where does nate fit in...?


well the resi's actually live on site and help run the cafe (cook, clean, create quality relationships), run a program each (i.e. camping trip, cricket team, bible study, alternatively take a reflection).

so nate is...

... ever since the surrender conference (jackie pullinger), where I first heard about Urban Seed, it's been on my heart to be involved in some social/community work.

I followed it up, and I thought I'd a apply for a resi position for 2006. The program co-ordinator encouraged me to come down and check it out, so they could also check me out, and so here I am from Mon-Wed - I wish I could stay longer, but given that I'd taken a few days off already in the last two weeks, it's truly God-blessed that I was allowed these additional three days off! Got approval for them just last friday, immediately called the urban seed guy and well, here I am :)

This couple of days are part of my application... if they're ok with me, then I have to go through an interview, and if I get in, I start Jan 1 - Dec 24.

day 2...

didn't have much time to go into detail yesterday, as I was mega-tired... I ended up sleeping from 6:30pm-7:45am...

what's urban seed? what's a 'residential' or 'resi'?

well what Urban Seed do, is run programs for the marginelised.

And who are the marginelised?

Well, that includes everyone from the homeless, the umemployed, druggies (for lack of a better term)... examples are those who shoot up in the laneway (which is just behind the place), those in the yellow vests in the city that sell those "Big Issue" mags, those that are on a disability pension (i.e. schizophrenia (I think that's how you spell it), met two really nice guys that are affected by it).


The main one would be the "credo cafe". Lunchtimes (currently Mon-Thurs), from 12pm-1:30pm, the doors to the cafe open for a free lunch, and some company :)

Before which there's 15mins prayer and a reflection.

After lunch there's a bible study for the same crowd on Tuesdays, today we did the passage about the various parts in the body of Christ, and importance. Also, a bunch of lawyers came in for lunch today to give free legal advice to those who wanted it.

Wednesday there's a forum on advocacy. They also organise sports events so that they can be involved (there's a credo cricket team (7 ducks last weekend :S)), camping trips, womens groups, etc...

Monday, October 24, 2005

hellooooo from the city...

so, here's day one of urban seed :)

am blogging from the RMIT building which is ridiculously close to Urban Seed... it's like the next street across, and there's even an alley way that allows me not to have to walk around that single block :P

what am I doing in the city? well, it's my trial run/interview for the residential program I'm thinking about doing next year... the place really, really stretches you, and it's only been... not even my first day!!

One image to illustrate a bit of perspective though...

there's a cafe @ the top-end of collins st which donates bread to the organisation. Cuz the other resi's (residentials) were in a meeting, I volunteered to go on the "bread-run" by myself. So there I was, dressed down and in my beanie, pushing this trolley, through arguably THE most upmarket part of town - walking past people in full designer suits that probably cost more than my car, past shop after shop in which you have to make appointments to enter, brands @ which many aspire to. Walking past all these power dressers, supremely confident executives, pushing my white trolley, which on the way back, was full of bread :)

Friday, October 21, 2005


to deb, ange, aloysius and mikey... sorry for being such a sour puss tonight :(

No, I really sucked... I can't believe I fell into the trap and talked 'shop', theory and intellectual. I talked about people I didn't really care about, topics I should pray for patience and grace for instead of moaning and bitching, and wasted the time that I had with people I'd been waiting all week to see.

I'm glad I got to learn a bit more about mikey's carpentery life, and al's aversion to horror movies, but I ended up talking way too much, too often, too much about myself, and about things that mean a lot less to me than learning more about my friends.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

still not sure...

Today was the first public viewing for Gene.

I didn't quite know what to expect, only having gone to my grandfather's.

It broke me. Overwhelming grief at a little brother gone, guilt that I hadn't been a better friend after we had gone through so much together...

I cried when I saw him, but I sobbed when I talked to the family. When they started to speak fondly of the past, where I had taken Gene under my wing, for what I wonder was too short a time... wracked with guilt that I hadn't done enough for him... to reach him when I saw him drifting away.

Embarressed that they were now fine, and having to console me.

I have all these emotions that I'm still trying to keep in check, not sure, of what to make of them, not sure of what to do with them.

Gene, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry. You were such a great guy, and such a great brother, and I'm sorry that I didn't make more time for you, that I didn't... *tearing*... I'm sorry...

jack, gene & nate

a quick shout to my friends :)

Firstly, darius, happy birthday :) You young 20yr old you :P

To the bloggies (I don't care what you think we're all called, it's one word versus typing out two :P): I love you guys heaps, for somehow knowing better than anyone else what I'm going through, and what I need.

Thank you... so much.

Friday, October 14, 2005

not sure what to say

most of you would know by now that this week for me has been one of the worst I've ever had... even now I'm still coming to grips with the loss. And I will post about it, when I've had time to reflect a little more...

But for now, as we enter this w/end, here's something a little more positive :)

My baby sis Jo graduated last night, although it was a rather muted occasion for us, given recent events.

But inspite of it all, it was a fun night. Actually, maybe it was because of it all, bringing a deeper appreciation of family.

I'm not sure, but tip your hat to the new graduand, and I hope you all have a great, great w/end (make sure you're outside!! the weather will be awesome!).

Monday, October 10, 2005

wait, there's another leung online...

say hello to my little sis Jo, and her blog

day in the sun :)

here's another spin on a post title that I've used before...

I spent Sunday day having an awesome time with a really special person to me, when @ one point (eating a huge greasy burger @ St Kilda) I paused and I started to worry about the future, about whether this was sustainable, if it was real, if it will even be possible next year and if this was, as Mikey might have been referring to previously, as "false hope"...

I've found a knit of friends, that on appearances have nothing in common, but when we start to dig deeper, we share so much in common, and I'm beginning to really, really treasure them. And then the question comes up... next year... my plans... had I found them, only to lose them in a few months time?

If I've learnt anything in the last few months, it's to cherish the moments I have now, for now. To not hold onto them for any longer than I was supposed to, and to not live to preserve them in my future...

Only God knows how the future will unfold for each of us, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wish I could say I always felt so stoic, and knew that truth always, but there are times when I freak out a little...

... and He waits while I anxiety attack for abit... yell and scream (figuratively) for abit... run around headlessly... for a lot.

He waits.

... waits, until I finally stop being so stubborn...

... waits, until my words finally trail off...

... waits, until broken, I'm reaching out, and all I want, is my Father...

And then He takes my hand.

He picks me up.

And helps me to realise that there's this journey I'm on, that I've still got so far to go.


... after that "little boys" post, I'd been waiting all day for uniki to finally realise what had happened... it's REVENGE... for all the head poking!!

Saturday night was uniki's dad's 50th, a surprise, family doo-da, in which I went as part of the "Leung" family :P You know, one of those dinners where you are constantly referred to as so-and-so's son, rather than your own name...

Was pretty fun, a packed house and there were fun people there :D

Afterwards we adjourned to GJeans for some hot choc goodness, and to explain the middle pic, well, Wes was learning how to "buff" his nails - that's right, make his nails shiny. In a word? Wes was being HARDGAY... buahahhahahha...

in the mean time...

see if you can guess who these two little boys are...

stripes are hardgay...

and yes, we know it :S

No, not by any plan but coincidence, the four of us turned up to super-combined on Fri in super gay stripes... and here's the photographic evidence...

I know, it's been AGES...

Since my last post!! Almost a week now!!

That just goes to show how much time I don't have, @ home or @ work!!

so in short, one of the highlights, was a mini-blogger meet... mini, being that ANGE forgot to let Deb Low know!! hehehe, that rhymes...

But to keep you ravenous public @ bay, here are some photos from that night to keep you going...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me
I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still
Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

Artist: MercyMe

I can only imagine :)

What I love about Mikey's post today, is that he brought it back to Him, the only thing that really matters in this world, and he did it in his way.

I was with a very dear person tonight, and I selfishly began to burden them with emotional baggage I'd been lugging around... that person got up and left. I began to wonder, if I was really as good a person as I thought I was...

I've realised that there may be misunderstandings regarding certain facts about me moving out of my parents place, and other parts of the story, i.e. the part where I said that it was neither a terrible or great thing, ignored.

Facts of the matter:

  • I am living @ Leanne's place

  • I still very much love my family, and my family still love me

  • I still regard my parents as my parents, and honour them as such

  • If things go wrong, there is always a place at home, as recently assured by my parents themselves

  • Though I'm still working out my own character, I still maintain that my father is a great man, and respect him as such. If anything, moving out has taught me to appreciate my family and each person's specialness more. Sure, we disagree about sleeping patterns, but my father is still my father, and @ the end of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way.

    For the time though, we all, and I say all, think that this living outside of home is something I need, and we're going to work this through as a family - and taking a page from mikey's post, and bringing it back to the source, working it through the grace of God, as really, a truly blessed family.

    P.S. "To very dear person":
    if you happen to somehow be reading this post... I'm sorry about tonight.

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    gotta run but...

    ... there's a heap more stuff that needs to be blogged, and I WILL get around to it!

    In the meantime, check out my photo album for more pics from the w/end :)

    the w/end edition

    The weekend!

    Friday night @ cell was actually fun! *cough, cough*, of course est, it always is, *cough, cough*... but after going through the last love language, and with a special guest appearance from Elton, we ended up talking about all sorts of diabolical relationship case studies!! Spear fishing versus fly fishing! What do you do if your lure attracts more than one fish?! :D

    Heaps of fun, keeping us imposing on May and Erwin's hospitality (which is ALWAYS awesome) until 1am or so, after which I met up with mikey, al & bibi @ our 'booth' (that's our booth I'm telling ya) outside the TAB, eventually leaving @... hmm... 2, I guess?

    These pics were from Saturday though! After getting a MUCH needed sleep in, I went on a cruise with est, vee, karen, dik-siew,ypan and victor as a farewell for wai yin! For freeeeeeeeee :D

    Hahaha... in the arvo it's a free cruise, where you only have to pay for anything you eat or drink... and whilst it was a bit slow for me and Victor's liking, and not all that picturesque, it was fun company nonetheless, and an excuse to take some happy snaps, aka Titanic! Why yes, I think I make a good kate winslet, and wai yin doesn't make a bad leo :D

    Meanwhile Victor looks confused, as usual... after the cruise, me and Karen jumped ship to go to JumpStart (what a clever sentence! :o), which was fun again... which I won't say much about except to urge you to read to the very bottom for a special mention... no that doesn't mean SKIP down, it means READ your way there, you lazy bastards...

    What to say about Sunday... well, not much except that it was a BEAUTIFUL day for a BBQ to celebrate the K-man's special day!

    yes, Mikey and e-chinners seem to agree with that one too...

    Without going over the top about it, I AM truly blessed in the abundance of friends I have :D

    After starting this blog in a season of loneliness, and mentally resigning myself to a lifetime of staying @ home @ nights playing games, ever since that post, I found friends, a community, and my God. All of which conspire to keep me busy 7 days a week! And I love it, I'm having the time of my life :D

    And FINALLY - I couldn't leave the w/end post without including THIS pic! Click on it, and look CAREFULLY...

    the teaser from this w/end

    Weirdly enough, for a blog that started out as mostly text, it's now turning out to be mostly pics :S

    Took a heap of shots this w/end, some of which will make it up eventually, but till then, here's a sneak preview...

    Note: You're right deb, this WAS a good shot :D

    Friday, September 30, 2005


    Whoever wipered me last night @ the glenny carpark, this goes to you - I know where live!! You're all going to... hmm, oh hang on...

    in the blink of an eye

    For something that started out as a curious amusement, I find myself with no time nowadays to post! The w/end usually leaves no respite, and the week days are just getting busier?!

    But I guess the ONE thing I had to make time to post about, is a blog squad meet :D I mean, that just makes sense right? Gotta blog, about the blog squad :P

    Was a busier day than usual, which is saying a lot, and overall it was a great day, but the two highlights that stick out for me would be
    1) Getting a HEAP of new clothes from ami-nation (belated bday pressie - I now look supa trendy!!)
    2) Seeing my blog buddies again!!

    And it was for far too short a time too :( Maybe that's the way it's meant to be, I mean, you know what they say about "too much of a good thing", but still...

    Guess end of the day, it WAS great to be able to sit down with them again, if only for a wink and a smile.

    Wednesday, September 28, 2005

    in the beginning...

    Explanation as to WHY nate has makeup on :S

    My good friend Elton had his 30th birthday party the last Saturday, with the theme of karaoke, and the requirement of dressing up as a singer/entertainer - having not a clue until waking up Saturday afternoon, I groggily remembered Deb mentioning something about Green Day being easy, something about just wearing a red tie - so from bed I googled some pics, gave Al a call and end up @ his place within the hour.

    Al being an awesome clothing resource (his room is uber cool too), I came away with pretty much everything I needed, seriously - pants, shirt, tie and suspenders :S Credit to Vee and Est for the makeup job (wow it's complicated :S), and voila, whether or not I look anything like Billie Joe Armstrong, I'll leave you to judge :)

    Rest of the pics are just a few taken from the night - over 370 were taken, and there are even larger versions (larger than the large ones you get if you click on them). Just lemme know if you want the originals of any of these ;)

    there were pics...

    and more pics...

    and more again...

    and then there was more...

    almost there...

    and some more for fun :P