Wednesday, August 24, 2005

so what's nate really like...

Some of the comments that I've been reading on Korea's journal have made me realise that my random blogging may be a little misleading :)

I'm not actually wandering around in desparate search for a partner... and neither am I wandering around that randomly :P

I AM though, excited about life, and scared. Some thing's have opened up for me in terms of direction, and what I feel that God might be leading me to.

Hahaha, I love to joke and discuss intellectually about relationships and all, but for me the dominating thoughts, my passion, have been about where I'm meant to be going, what I want to make of my life.

I'm lucky enough to be in a place where I don't feel the need for a relationship with another girl. Songs like 'angel of mine' give me a hopeful sneak preview of what it'll be like one day, but it's not a number 1,2 or even 3 priority...

Right now, I'm just focussing on preparing myself and heart for those things He's placed in my heart.


Freakatronic said...

I agree. Even though blogging is meant to be this outlet, we end up limiting ourselves on our blogs too. Like me for example. If anyone were to read my blog they'd get a good picture of an unbalanced, critical and cynical old man trapped in a 22 year old skin. I think anyway...but when I write from me I just don't seem to be able to do anything else! And you know what else? It's fine if all you think about is girls and hooking up with one! It's perfectly normal, and nothing to be defensive or embarrassed about! Rahaha!!

sisterr enkst said...

wasssupppp!!!!!!! looooong time no comment!! soo wassupp? i already said that o.O

well u sound very happy. or im just happy so evry1 kinda sounds happy. well newayz i think ur happy??

i gotta study or ma's gonna kik my butt! but yupz! hu needs partners, we got friends riite? and evn better, we got GOD. mate he created the U-KNEE-VERSE. thats pretty flippn awsum!! ohh gosh. "seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you" like ur secondary desires...*shrugs

well newayz. u know sound of music inspired me to keep single. i dunno, not that i wanna be a nun, it just gave me the impression that until i mb got a bf watever, i'd be single lie have the impression that i'd always be single. like the whole 'innocent til proven guilty' idea.

y im telling u? y not?? i feel like talkn *duh. oke oke. properties of aluminium etc etc, ohh blahhh. newayz. catchaz!!

ohh. isn my sis a just soo cute!! WAHAHAHA. shez got her middle skool social 2nite. shez dressd as a very pretty pirate. {couldnt hurt a fly and not very rough and tough}

newayz. this issa looong comment. make up for all the comments i 4got to write!!

well rok on nate mate!!!
im ohh soo excited!!!!
we got prayer meet 2nite!!!!!