Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Mega, mega, megaman...

Hehehe, and I couldn't not post about the new Megaman art released by Capcom regarding the new PSP version they're doing, Powered Up. It's a super deformed version, and should be mega cute... get it? mega?! :D

eek, it's raining...

Twelve months, 1 week and 2.5 days down, only 2 more days to go!! Yum Cha today with everyone, with cocktails (a moot point for me as there's zero alc for bikers on their L's or P's) from 3pm tomorrow...

After what has been, in general, a really awesome year @ Agilent, it's good to also get to the other side for this one :)

I look back on it, and I can only say I've been so blessed, but it's now onto the next scary phase of life :P

Yesterday was a such a productive day... so much ticked off my to do list, which left me completely buggered, but also a little satisfied as I fell very easily to sleep for the night :P

Shopping though, was like opening Pandora's box - it gave me more of the idea of just how much more shopping I need to do, and it's added another logistical kink to my well-laid plans... hmm...

Eek, it's now thundering in Forest Hill... not going to be a fun ride home... so much for it being great weather from here on in... *sigh*...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

if you're in the country...

... I'll probably be in chaddy tonight trying to figure out last minute pressies - if anyone else is there by chance, just gimme a call :) It's open till 10pm...

what's new, natey...

well, the weather is great and there's still ALL my chrissy shopping to do :S

The w/end past was a quietish one for me, and a good one, I dunno, I just need a decent (till 4pm on the Saturday :D) sleep-in every now and again. That whole getting enough sleep thing is surely much underated... In fact, I didn't even leave the house on Saturday, which was probably a good thing as the weather wasn't fantastic :P

And, how's my LAST working week @ Agilent been??? All two days of it so far??? :P

Well, I managed to score a PC out of it (they were giving these away), a pretty decent one @ that too - dual processor PIII (533), with a dual head video card and, well only 18GB HDD and no RAM, but I'm pretty happy... I'll probably transplant my old pc into this one, as dual PIII's have gotta be a little more potent than my 'ol 700 Duron...

And for those not technically inclined, this is where you could tune back in...

Hope you've all got a great christmas's planned, will be blogging where I can, but obviously @ the same time I'll be running around headlessly attempting life-organisation before the merciless deadline of Dec 25... yes, Darren's birthday is that ominous... :P

Friday, December 16, 2005


For those wanting an interesting Halloween costume for next year, take a look @ this one...

This one's for you Mikey...

Monday, December 12, 2005

what the...

although mikey tells me that the Age is quite anti-christian, this is a bit much:

Review of the new Narnia movie

I can accept the possibility of the movie being a bad one, even if it did carry great Christian undertones, and I can even accept the reviewers own, somewhat negative views on Christianity, but what I find a little disconcerting is the forum in which she feels like she needs to voice these :S

I mean, it's supposed to be a film review?! If she wants to write an article about her gripes of religion, she should try out for the editorial pages, not the entertainment section...

holy crap...

... hmm... wonder if that subject header will provoke all sorts of theological debate? Is it sacrilege, or blasphemous??? Can crap be holy??? I think it can! We are metaphorical crap, but made holy because of Christ on the cross :D So there! WE are "holy crap" ;)

But as to the real reason of the exclamation, is that it's been one week since my last post! One week! And whilst my tardiness has somewhat come to be expected on the blogging front, I've also noticed the same of my fellow bloggers! What's going on?!

Here's my theory - we're FINALLY getting some great weather :D People are going outside to enjoy the sun, sit against a wall under a sombrero and soak in that lazy, lazy heat :D It's like that Simpsons episode, when Itchy & Scratchy change to a cartoon full of niceness - kids are finally getting out, about and sunny :P

Well, it's either that, or they've all gotten signficant others within the last couple of weeks... @ which I would be most upset and yell... "how come nobody tells me anything!" :P

I think that rounds up a good Monday rave...

Monday, December 05, 2005

oh well...

it's a great day outside, but I have so much work to catch up on, so I'm not going to get a chance to get out and enjoy it :(

Oh, and to those who have been following, my "monk" status has been somewhat postponed...

... and y'all make sure you catch up with Jo whilst you can, cuz she's leaving for the 'states this Thurs night for 3 months...