Thursday, August 11, 2005

something about wednesdays :)

what can I say about today... worked like crazy to get prototype up to scratch, still needs work :S At least it's keeping me entertained during the days I guess :P

Had scored some free tix to what Village called a "mystery movie" night - interestingly enough they were quite stringent on recording devices, even had hand held metal detectors :S

Movie ended up being Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, which doesn't even have an official site up yet :S Starring Val Kilmer and Robert Downy Jnr (who were both actually pretty good in it), the movie though was really slow and dull :( Plot wasn't clever or particularly strong either... still, the cinemas @ Rivoli are a nice place to be, and it WAS free after all :)

Had dinner @ a nearby Cafe, made a little cheaper with an Entertainment Book coupon, and that was pretty much the night...

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