Sunday, September 18, 2005


Surviving only on 2.5hrs of sleep in the last 48hrs, coupled with the drive to and back Phillip Island today, will make this post a short one :P

Just wanted to jump on and say what a blast today was :D

Bunch of us (Darius, Adeline, Mikey and Kaiwin) from ACF went to visit Ange and Deb @ the Gravitate (COC) camp today for a day trip, and it was pretty awesome - the weather sucked, but definitely did not dampen our spirits :P

Old friend Ps Tim Goh (from Life Expedition) took the morning session of teaching, whilst Corey Turner took the night one - was great to catch up with Tim, even if it was for an all too brief moment...

One of the two main points that made my day, was being so readily adopted and accepted by the COC people... they made me feel like I was part of the family, like I'd been there forever, and it was so fun to be a part of something this significant, even if for only a day.

The second point, would be coming away with a sense of unbelievable friendships, that have seemingly come out of nowhere. Managing to get in some awesome time with each of the ACF people I came up with left me, and then coming home @ the end of the day, has left me realising how blessed I am in the number of friends I have, where they are, and the richness they add to my life.

In hindsight I really wish I had taken the digicam up :(



Anonymous said...

absolutely glad that you had an awesome time! back to sleep i go ZzZzz...

Dariusk said...

Yeh, dude... i really second everything you said there!
Was a great time, and in a great environment! I'm still recovering from my sleep deprevity...

Freakatronic said...

I thought it was freakin great too! Especially the food. Yeah, boiled everything, it was enough to make me zombie too. But seriously, June is hot. And I'd date her anytime.

Anonymous said...

oh, so it's jun now, is it, mikey? hmmm...

Dariusk said...

WHO'S JUNE?!?!?!??!
are you gonna write about her in ur blog AS well!?!? we should start a list called...'mikey's blog girls'

Anonymous said...

Mikey! You like too many girls... put those lustful eyes back in their sockets! As for nate, still recovering over your "tomatoed-up" chicken wrap? hahaha