Friday, September 02, 2005

it's Friday... already!?

Feels like it was only a few days ago when I was last posting before a w/end :S My grip on time is slowly slipping away from me... this is ridiculous though - how is it that we slip into extremes, from having too much time, to having no time @ all... there's a nice in between some where in there, isn't there? :S

Coffee with Al and Mikey was a blast as usual, rapier wits clashing and exchanging blows with lightning quick touches and parries - the conversational scrimmage being simply poetry to observe, if I do say so myself :P

But! We were not alone! We were joined in battle by some random Clayton Church people's, namely Wes and Ange Lim! No, not related they are (maybe they're married?!), but good company nonetheless :P

I do say we rocked the house @ G.Jeans (glenny) that night :D

Basically music practice... was fun, cuz we had our once a month meetings, where we discussed most things not musical (i.e. why Victor wants to go to Egypt (something about pyramids, "Moses was here" type inspiration, and why I want to go to Korea (HOT, HOT chicks - I don't care if it's not true, don't spoil my fantasy!)))


Anonymous said...

anGie pities Mikey!

Me married to Wes? NO WAY!!! Why do you mentally hook me up with every guy with the same surname as me? haha Don't bother doing that unless the Mr Lim you have in mind enjoys watching sunsets and gazing at stars! NB: make sure he isn't homosexual either :o)

nate said...

You know, I totally missed this comment... how/when'd this snap on??? Sneaky Ange, sneaky :P