Wednesday, September 28, 2005

in the beginning...

Explanation as to WHY nate has makeup on :S

My good friend Elton had his 30th birthday party the last Saturday, with the theme of karaoke, and the requirement of dressing up as a singer/entertainer - having not a clue until waking up Saturday afternoon, I groggily remembered Deb mentioning something about Green Day being easy, something about just wearing a red tie - so from bed I googled some pics, gave Al a call and end up @ his place within the hour.

Al being an awesome clothing resource (his room is uber cool too), I came away with pretty much everything I needed, seriously - pants, shirt, tie and suspenders :S Credit to Vee and Est for the makeup job (wow it's complicated :S), and voila, whether or not I look anything like Billie Joe Armstrong, I'll leave you to judge :)

Rest of the pics are just a few taken from the night - over 370 were taken, and there are even larger versions (larger than the large ones you get if you click on them). Just lemme know if you want the originals of any of these ;)


Anonymous said...

I should've made the make up darker!!! You'll give me another chance won't you nate?!?! YOU JUST HAVE TOOOOOOO!!!!

Freakatronic said...

You totally did look like Greenday guy. You were hothothot!! I'd have dated you.

Anonymous said...

no you didn't! your eye liner needs to be darker. you just look like you didn't have enough sleep. hmm...mikey could have dated anyone that looked hot, that is true. haha.