Monday, July 04, 2005

state of affairs

I wonder if overstating what I've done or am doing is part of the single mindset... have been analysing the differences between outlooks, and attitudes :)

The great thing about a blog (esp one that no one reads) is that I can rant and rave about nothing in particular, be as selfish about talking about me as I want, and after having gotten it all out my system, appear relatively normal and functional in the real world :P

Am going through a pretty rough time @ the moment, having to deal with a lot of issues - I find myself, when in a group, talking about relationships and single-dom way too much... as much as I HATE to dwell on it, my mind just heads there automatically :(

Having been a leader for umpteen years, I've taught a few lessons on how God fills that loneliness, but am realising now that I haven't gone through it truely as many people have and still are.

I've always had a close bunch of friends and a gf, and only now am I beginning to realise what it is some people live with, have lived with for years. And can you even begin to imagine those without family...

Had begun to finally feel over the weekend, old :) Talking to Al, Victor... all of them saying, worrying about reaching 30... and me not knowing why, but now, beginning to see.

Just realising that in two years time... I'm going to be 27... an age by which I had thought/planned once upon a time to have been married by... and now not really close to at all.

And whilst I'm not terribly fussed about it, I can begin to see how it would feel for the guys.

Stumbled upon this singer @ a fundraising event (who's grace) on the w/end, and she has this song as a free d/load - and for this thought, it is awesomely suited :D

"You may feel you are aging

And you may think you're getting old

Don't you know this is just the beginning

This story's only starting to unfold"

Just Mine - Bianca Chen


sisterr enkst said...

wassssssuppppp nate! sorry to crash ur party. but its bn a wile since i visited! so ta-da!!

well yupz...hmmmm, i kinda get how u feel, only i havnt experienced loss. well trust me....loadsa gurls go thru alla that. so just make sure u dont watch chik-fliks and it'll be oke! wahah. but nah, God is there, and sometimes we forget it. just trust him, reach out 2 him. it'll be kool!

well im not really one full of advise. so cyaz!!

Anonymous said...

hey man, don't worry about single-dom. Majority of my friends are also single and yeah, almost everytime we go out, the topic of singeldom arises so dont' worry. just relax, sit back and enjoy the view before commiting ;) well, that is what i'm doing at the moment. don't worry. there is no rush.

Anonymous said...

Nate, you drive me crazy sometimes, you really do. I'd still respect you though.


nate said...

Well, hmm - ok uniki, guess I'll put off watching "A Walk to Remember then"... have been meaning to get around to watching that one...

Hehehe... dechoko... so easy for you lah, u always relaxed one!! In a frenetic kinda way :S Committing?! It's that easy to slip into a committment?! You make it seem like it's something that's lurking around the corner just waiting to bite me!! *looking around the corner*...

Korea... you confuse me thoroughly as always - we have this mutually confounding relationship, where with every exchange I leave wondering if I've lost something... *wandering, lost & confused*... :P

Anonymous said...

Just remember Nate, that like you, i consider the LJ my space, and i write what i will.

Guess we should never meet for coffee then.


nate said...

Korea, I think my thorough confusion was a result of me not having read your LJ... now that I have your comments make much more sense :) Have left notes @ your LJ...