Tuesday, July 26, 2005

followed by...

... the next day @ 1pm we'll be going to see "Year of the Yao" in the city (11.50 for concession, 15 full price) - let me know ASAP if you want to come to this!!

For either event, just comment the proper post if you will be attending (i.e. comment on either the 'saturday' for poker or 'sunday' for yao)


sisterr enkst said...

wasssssupppp nate!!!!!!!
howz it rockn? never hearda that movie...and i cant afford it either...

im kinda scaredd about my enter score. my mums pressuring me already!! o.0

cos i stuff up in exams and i dont do my work....and i need a high 80's. if i get lower then 80 i get my butt grilled! wurrrrrr

newayz......catchaz later!

nate said...

wassup uniki :)

Just keep ur head down, and u'll be fine - figure out why u want this score, like why you really want it, and figure out if you really do, and you'll then have all you need to get that score ;)