Monday, July 11, 2005

the w/end in brief


saw the initial d (live action) film on saturday night... migosh JChow is a terrible, terrible actor :S In short: Good movie for girls, bad movie for guys (at least for those who follow the anime).

Anne Suzuki, Jay Chow and [insert guys name]Posted by Picasa

Adjorned for peking duck, which was ok, but Victor wasn't terribly pleased :) I'm learning that M'sians are some of the most pickiest when it comes to food, and thus am going to respect their opinions about good restaurants :D

Then, to the kitten club for some jazz, which was actually pretty good - but it was loud-ish, didn't really allow for us to talk... and there's just something about jazz that makes you sleepy - then again, that might have been the southern comfort talking to me... after which was more drinking @ 3 degrees, and then arcade games @ russell st :D Mentioning Victor again, he is uncannily good for someone who's as old as he :P


passed pretty event free, had a long, deep chat with birdie, and then had coffee with Aloysius - was good to catch up one-on-one with someone... all my usuals were away in Syd...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I so totally agree that Initial D is the stupidest movie ont he face of the earth and man, I can so totally do a better job of crying then Jay Chou. Just give me 6 drops of EYE-MO and blush my cheeks and I'll show you crying. What a waste of 10 ringgit!!! Team America is so much more worth it!!!