Tuesday, July 05, 2005

No pain... no gain? Hmm

Hehehe... I rant and rave about how lonely I am, and my fellow blogger friends sign on to show me otherwise :) In everything, in the little things, I am blessed :D

Had been debating about how much pain I needed to face to be able to deal with it all - as opposed to repressing it in my normal, past, natural response. Had been refusing to go out, in the fear that I might use it to take my mind off things, and not actually deal with them.

Yes, yes, I'm one of those people that is under the mindset that if it's hurting, it must be healing :P Or, rephrasing, if it's NOT hurting, then it ain't healing...

But I bit the bullet (I wonder where that phrase originated from... how bzar is it...), and went out with my friend Pat last night to Borders to read books - and it was such a mind freeing time :D

Just being able to sit there, sit in the kids section on the story-telling carpet, read comics, go through books like "Maybe he's just not into you" and laugh - it was just such a much needed, light, end to a night.

Oh, the new Harry Potter is out on 16th July @ 9:01am - it's a Sat (coincidentally the same day as Jo's 21st party). Anyone want to fight some kids with me...

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