Thursday, July 14, 2005

on a slightly lighter note... :P

Hmm... reading over that last post... I think I have a tendency to be a little overly dramatic. Oh, I really do feel that way sometimes, but I think the words I use could probably be a little less... extreme :P

Bleh, went to Glenny to get in a game of Initial D v.3 and some kids were on it the whole time :'( Granted, if I had gotten on it, I'd probably have stayed on it a bit too, but still :P

Walking out of Intencity I noticed an entry for Sin City on the screens... it's actually out!! Came out today!! I'd thought they pushed it until the end of the year!! Woohoo...

Alba is hot, hot, hot...


sisterr enkst said...

wasssssupppp!!! wats sin city about? isn it about everything corrupt? like *shrugs imorality n stuff?? or am i wrong?

rok on!

Eye of the Potato said...

It's just out now in Aus? I actually just caught it at the Cheapos here in Can. It was first released on April 1.

nate said...

Hey cool, random commenter :) Yeah.. I knooooow... came out so long ago for all other countries... and no uniki, it's more of a hardluck city than just one where sin happens :P