Monday, May 23, 2005

rubbish collecting...

or otherwise known as semi-cleaning my room :P Spent the night unearthing my basketball bean bag from beneath a deluge of clothes, whilst also virtually cleaning house by collating all the various anime and dumping them onto the family computer... 30gb of crap to burn...

still, it's the end of the night and feel like i've been useful :)

also managed to organise my week's social sched... remember a few posts back where i was pondering the spare time of singleness? postpone that thought, as i've somehow managed to book stuff in for every night of this week until next monday :S

maybe God reads blogs...


Anonymous said...

hope you aren't oging girl hunting without me and al man. we'd be totally bummed if you did. stay in the circle of singles! its super fun :P

nate said...

ooh... girl hunting... now that's a sport I could see myself taking up...

so does that mean we get to mount heads on walls...

nah mate, if i have the occasion to go girl huntin, i def know where to find wingmen :P

besides, with you and al along, i'll definitely look better... hahahahaha...