Wednesday, May 25, 2005

no ownage tonight... :(

tian's still recovering, so there goes my exercise for the night... well, guess I'll have a bit more time to work... cuz u know... i always hope for that :(

finally got part I of a change required done (work)... that took 3-4 days. now all i have to do is pt II, in one day, as well as some other stuff. the good thing about being so busy is that the weekend seems to come that much quicker :)

took some time just before to head down to glenny... needed to get my eyes away from the screen - restocked my desk 'pantry' and got a bubble tea with heaps of pearls :D

finally found the mei mei brand that ami was raving about, @ the "Best Asian Food" place near Century City:

the bowls are pretty cool, they appear to be good value for $1.30... will keep u posted on how they taste :P

*eyes glazing over*... must keep... coding...


Anonymous said...

u keep eating that u'll have noodle arms

nate said...

but u know, that I don't ;)

Anonymous said...

hey man, i was at al's house on monday night. i missed my train so crashed at his place so i wasn't on the phone with him. why on earth would i call a guy and chat up till 4 in the morning man. I'm not that big a defect you know ;)

yeah, going back on the 21st june and don't know when i'm going to be back. have it during the first few weeks of uni cause then people won't be off holidaying :D

nate said...

this confusing... maybe u should just reply the posts on ur own page man :D And then I'll reply that one... heheh... and so forth...

hahahahhaha... k, that's ok then... gee... was thinking... on the phone with a guy for that long... that's just not right...

21st eh... gee... that's a tight time constraint... quick, more research... Good point though, bout hols - when do hols start?

sisterr enkst said...

i start hollz on the 25th!!!!...of june!!!
last day of skool is 24th! y dotn u take me 4 queensland???

btw, n8, watch the MSG, we wouldn't want u increasing ur risk of cancer and evrythign else bad MSG dus to ya, would we?

nate said...

suuuree... we'll take u to q/land... uh huh... and why q/land anyways...