Monday, May 30, 2005

post P&W thoughts

sunday night was my first time up on stage for a long time, and i went through a huge series of emotions...

i remember rocking up for prayer (late, sorry joyous!!) and then practice - stepping up on that stage, with the spotlights on, brought about an onset of butterflies and nerves. i began to wonder if I could really do this, if i could really sing, or if i was way out of my league

but as practice went along, i got heaps of encouragement by way of d1 & d2 (darren & darius - u decide which one is which :P) - just some back & forth stuff, helped me to relax a little. I progressed from sheer terror to outright panic :P

Joyous helped heaps too, by telling me what she expected in certain parts, and talking to me as if i knew what i was doing :D That combined with Adders heckling me from the drum box, and my legs were shaking a little less :)

and then it started, i was just able to lose myself in the worship - i became less aware of the fact that i was up in front of people, and more in awe of being in such a concert of worship with them

i honestly have no idea how it sounded, but i came out with the two things that i was hoping to achieve - to serve God in that moment, to my utmost best, and to have an absolute blast doing so.

i dunno if this is confirmation or anything of where it is God would have for me to serve him, He DOES work in mysterious ways and in seasons, but i just thank Him for being able to serve Him that night, and in my own little way


sisterr enkst said...

sarrpppzzz nate!!! aws aws! nah mate, sunday was absolute insanely rockn!!!! man i LOVD IT n u did great too!! wahahaha. God is mysterious, all the better huh?

nate said...

awesum, and yah... 'mysterious' makes life all that more exciting :D