Monday, November 07, 2005

am I on the otherside...

... well, no not quite. But with a bit more sleep, since last post, I think I'm a little closer!!

Was a huge weekend, filled with bits of my favourite things - good friends, new friends, old friends and throw in a little bit of a special friend, and it was a pretty packed one :)

But before I go on, Happy Birthday (yesterday) Ange!! And congratulations to deb on her baptism!!

Found that I won't be finishing work as early as I thought, and have a few things on for the next couple of days that are pretty significant to me - might be letting my blue baby go very soon, have a business meeting (remind me to dress up! otherwise I'm going to look awful stupid...) tomorrow, and Saturday is going to be pretty huge with birthday celebration galore, not to mention another one on Sunday...

*phew*... I better make sure I've slept all I need to this week then...


Freakatronic said...

Boom, first to comment. Thanks for your comment Nate. I know it probably looks like a small deal from the outside but it really sucked in a big way to me. So I appreciate your kindness.

As for your entry, hell yeah you better sleep! I can feel this coming weekend already, and it feels a lot like I'm gonna have to start culling my little social life back so that I can have some recluse time! Rahaha! So this is what it feels like to have friends huh...?

Unknown said...

yeah. sleep lots before the weekend. i don't think you want to be drained by the beginning of next week, like i am at the beginning of this week. so hard to function and not yawn in front of an already confused patient!

Anonymous said...

yes it was a great weekend! Thanks again for rocking up to our church and hanging out with us (deb and i) afterwards :o) Umm my friends (Tra & Lavi) think you're cool... i don't know why BAhaha! cheers big ears!

sisterr enkst said...

oOOhhh its my mum's bday 2day!!!!

wonder how old she is?
cheers big ears? wahahaha
bye small eyes!!