Friday, June 01, 2007

Miscellaneous things I found amusing

Obviously “hooting” is a very big issue over in South Africa...

A medi-clinic on “Payn” Street :S Does anyone else find that a little sardonic?!

This gang is a group that is quite at large and wield all sorts of weapons in their rampages, but with a name like that, it's a little hard to take them seriously :S

This was a little novel; ordering a whiskey and coke will result in a glass of whiskey on the rocks, and coke in a little vase

And my personal favourite so far!!

Cuz you can NEVER have too much groot!! [This one is more care of the dutchies I stay with rather than South Africa :P]


Freakatronic said...

Rahaha! I get it! I'm so freaking doing this when I'm in Japan...

Unknown said...

what's groot?