Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Day 17

Along with all the stuff that’s happened in the last few days, the two Irish girls that arrived last Friday have decided that South Africa isn’t for them, and will be returning to Ireland tomorrow, making their original plans for a 2 month stay turn into a 6 day one…


It’s a little weird for me, as I remember how hard it was to be here, just how incredibly hard the first week was, to be here in completely foreign land, to be staying with foreigners… just so much worked to do my head in… and the thought of leaving crossed my mind constantly


It could never be an option for me though; viki and I reckon that we couldn’t do that (return) because of how proud we both are, perhaps there’s a bit of asian-ness in there also, and how we can’t waste things…


Part of my brain is trying to focus on just what an achievement it is then, to still be here, but to also process that there aren’t going to be any more volunteers coming, and in the coming months the existing volunteers are gradually going home; in fact, now that the Irish are gone, I’ll be the only volunteer here for the last two weeks, which is very daunting prospect…


Either way, it’s been a pretty confusing sequence of days :S


Anonymous said...

Sounds like my confusion in being overseas... you definitely run a gauntlet of emotions and each person reacts differently. Hang in there, stick to your own goals cos based on those, YOU came to be where you are. No matter what others are doing.. none can tell you how to experience YOUR TRIP!

Unknown said...

do you know what i want to be doing next year? part time physio work and part time non-physio related work. i'm thinking of volunteering somewhere. i told my parents and my parents did look a little disapproving, although they didn't voice it.

the thing is, if God is calling you, there are things that need to be sacrificed (i.e. your asian-ness, waste management) to get there. the journey is just as important as the destination.

Anonymous said...

Wow... amazing!

The Natey I know doesn't give up... and it has nothing to do with being 'asian.'

You are resilient in bouncing back from failures and achieving greater successes later on. Having failed, you don't become a victim to failure but acknowledge it and respond in a way such that you've come out stronger, wiser and level-headed.

You endure through the tough times and don't give up. Sure there has been times where you've been broken-hearted, disappointed or overwhelmed...but you've always remained HOPEFUL. And your great sense of hope and faith in God is probably the reason why you have the guts to go to South Africa (and Urban Seed last year).

Matt 9:35-37 & Mark 6:30-43 state two incidents where Jesus was filled with COMPASSION for the lost, needy, hungry and sick that it compelled Him to TAKE ACTION. I know that sometimes you don't know what the heck you're doing Natey but I really see this same attribute of compassion within you.

I'm a big Natey fan!

I'm praying for you... Continue to pray, read God's Word and praise Him daily. Keep rockin it for God, Dude!
