Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hluluwe & St Lucia (Fri-Sun, 15-17 June)

This was a really pleasant surprise; my intentions for this particular international foray were purely to concentrate on the volunteering aspect, and to stay in and imbibe as much of a culture as I could, rather than do that tourist thing; so I’d made no plans to travel around the area or country

So when I found out that there was a trip organised by YFC for us, the volunteers, I had mixed feelings, but for the most I was excited, in a quite bizarrely child-like way

We woke up and left the YDC in Pietermaritzburg at 8:30am on the Friday, went to Durban to pick up the volunteers from there, and then off to a homestead in a rural area, about 3 hours away from Durban

Even on holiday we stayed in the middle of a rural homestead, a quite traditional community, and after we’d settled in our things, we then walked around and learnt about the area from the locals, the traditions, way of life, etc

At the homestead itself, we were really spoilt, with locally cooked food and a really, really nice setting; I remember walking into the dining area, seeing the layout and just feeling utterly spoilt

The next morning we woke up at 5am, at which I did the bravest thing I’ve ever done by going for a bloody freezing shower; yup, no hot water here!! After which we then departed at 6 for the Hluluwe game park in open safari vehicles

And then, as we crossed the boundaries and into the park, for some unknown reason, this overwhelming, kiddish excitement came over me

Maybe it was the shock of the cold shower in effect, or perhaps the hour of the morning, combined with me being in this surreal, Jurassic Park moment, but I could not help but feel incredibly lucky

It was the same guilty, indulgent feeling I get when I’m in a cinema by myself watching trailers and eating the first lolly from the packet in anticipation of a great movie

Here I was, on this trip organised for us the volunteers, to be served nice food, to be able to see these animals and actually go for a safari; a safari!!

As a volunteer here, from the moment I landed, it’s always been, for me, about being here, of plugging in and helping, in any, small way I could, every spare day I’ve been trying to get idea of what I could fill with what team or what project, and in the off days, rest, so as to be energised for the team/project days

To have something done for me, organised entirely for my indulgence, my enjoyment, for my sake...

To have not earned it in any way, to not have to worry about anything except for packing my things, to take away all my opportunities to be ‘doing’ something useful, and to allow me to feel like it’s ok to be a tourist, for a few days...

To feel, for a few days, so overwhelming, so undeservedly...

... so gracefully...



Freakatronic said...

A safari!? You took a safari?? Where are the pictures? That does it, I'm going to multipy...maybe you'll have put pictures there...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful... :o)