Thursday, February 16, 2006

in mourning...

over the passing of my ibook. in true IT fashion, when i started her up to actually do critical work on saturday afternoon, she collapsed :(

after harbouring a bit of hope of recovery the last couple of days, google research finally pronounced my worst fears true - it would require replacement of the logic board, which would cost me as much as the actual entire thing would be worth @ the moment :(

as much as I wish I had the guts to throw her in spectacular fashion Mikey :P, my plan is to hope that she revives with one last gasp, enough for me to get my stuff, erase her memory, and then ebay her to the highest bidder... I'll state that it's completely stuffed of course, but you'd be surprised @ how much I've been able to sell my stuffed gadgets for :P

it's a bit of a sad occasion for me, as most of you would know how close me and her have been throughout the years - she was a great companion :)


Freakatronic said...

I feel your pain. It's stupid, but it's real. Here, put this blanket on and I'll get you something warm to drink.

Peanut said...

oh no! I really liked that thing. Thats so weird that it can conk out like that. Something like that totally happened to carrie on Sex and the City. you can see I have been watching way to much TV.

Anonymous said...

let go...

sisterr enkst said...

i got a bit confused at the start...totallly confused by the reference of 'her' being ur dying bit of technology....but i get it now!!

well condolences from me. And i do hope you get a proper final goodbye...