Thursday, June 02, 2005

sometimes the best plans... what's the end of that phrase... hmm...

... ANYWAYS, got out from work, which was fun towards the end - Had finished up a minor project in the morning, and got to play around with a web page design... now that was fun :D Get to do more of it tomorrow, although I might actually have to put some content in. But it's different to coding and is different enough to make work that little bit interesting :P

about those plans... oh yeah, got out of work and figured... hmm, have been feeling weary and worn lately, how about a quiet night in some cafe with a good book and a hot drink... Mmm... even now that sounds good :P

Got home, no one there (parents were eating Viet, sis's were... eh, like I ever know...) - emptied my room of the miscellaneous beer bottles and cups that had accumulated, jumped online and :O...

A HUGE amount of anime had just been translated and released (ah my goddess, naruto and prince of tennis), like 10+ new eps for me to d/l!! So bunged off to KFC (figured it's gotta be more wholesome than anything I could concoct from the bits & pieces @ home), came back and instead of being a nerd in public, I've spent the night being a nerd in private :P

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