Monday, June 06, 2005

eep... I have heaps of blogging to catch up on...

three days!! Argh... and it's 1am Sunday night... where did that time go... guess starting from Friday...

headed into work, got to work on more web design - which is FUN as (I lurve being creative, tho I sometimes hold my creations a bit personally and therefore when people say it's not right... but that's another blog for another day :P).

Only prob is that the design is for THE main product for the division only DAYS before the LARGEST telecommunications tradeshow in the world (hosted in chicago) - and we're supposed to come up with an entirely new look & feel for a site really needs a much bigger overhaul - Agilent N2X

u don't want to know just how much one of those things are...

left to get a hair cut (was getting really shaggy) @ hair creations - yah darius, east west might give a better cut, but i dunno... jeff isn't bad, and it's always cool to catch up with someone AND get a trim... there's something cool about killing multiple things with one stone... anyways, this is the new me...

looks like the old me? yeah, that's what ami said too :S Whilst there I bumped into Andy Quah and Raya (ami's friend)... see... it's more than a hair cut, it's a social gathering...

went home for a snooze and then went onto andy q's place for combined cell... and whilst the topic covered was a bit dubious, the fellowship was fun as...

after cell had finished was just wondering around a bit aimlessly talking to random people - bumped into K.Lee, and we started chatting... we hijacked Al Wong and the three of us started talking about "21st century chivalry"... was a fun as...

Ended up gathering a swarthy bunch of people, conversation going all the way till 1am :P Was good stuff... oh, and if u see victor, just raise one of ur hands in the air, and pretend like ur riding a horse... dun worry, he'll know what it means ;)

one day down, two more to go...

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