Monday, June 06, 2005

and then it was saturday...

... josh just sent me this pic... how cute is it... it's fuji, from prince of tennis :D

saturday entailed waking up @ 4pm (MUCH need I tells ya) - had a family dinner to celebrate Jo's 21st :D Was half a steamboat and a boat load of oysters... not bad...

then headed down to glenny to meet up with some of the guys - had called them and they said they weren't going to stay there for much longer, so the intention was to go down, stay with them until they left and then head to a cafe and read a good book :) Well, didn't have any good books, so Dan Brown was the next best thing...

didn't really work out that way though - went down, hung with Cassidy, Dre, Daz, Ange Lim and Ange's friend (sharon?). Aun and Leanne joined us a little bit later too... and they ended up hanging around till 10:30?! then me, cassidy and dre went upstairs to try our hands @ that resident evil (warcraft III) map yet again... wasn't too bad actually, I think we're actually getting the hang of it... was a quickie as dre had to head off and I ended up hot chocolating with ami @ pancake parlour till 1:30am in the morn...

so my grand quiet-book-reading-in-cafe scheme was postponed, yet again...

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