Saturday, October 14, 2006

He gives... and takes away...

I always espouse the beauty of tragedy... of season changes... to those who happen into unfortunate conversation with me :)

About the fact that the realisation of the finite nature of things, like the shortness of good weather... of a special day... or a special period in life... special friends and of special relationships... of life... lends a tinge of especially significant beauty to each

A sequence of events today gave me a bit of a heart check - and whilst I know I might be analysing things maybe a bit too much, the place it led me to is one I want to be at

The possibility of new relationship had been something growing for awhile now, and today I was hit with some very real signs that it might not be

Momentary sadness, but almost immediate, overwhelming peace with where I am, and who I am in my God came to me... and I was content :)

Who knows how things will turn out, I'm not even bold enough to predict that I'll be around to see the next day, but I love being in a place where I can reaffirm the primary orientation of my heart as my Father, and that even in light of expected loss, I can still be joyful in the life He gives me


Unknown said...

you caved! you got the beta version. granted, it's better. anyway...i've been in your situation, knowing that the person that you like will never reciprocate what you feel. been there a few times but life still goes on. if you ever need someone to vent at, i'm your um, person. i get vented at a lot so it's fine with me.

Anonymous said...

heheh.. decided to stop whinging and actually check out blogs beyond the first page..
Love this entry~!~! Hope you won't mind if I quote some bits.. Kinda applicable in my life right now..