Monday, May 29, 2006

someone tell me why...

... when it comes to the concept of "cheating" on partners, guys will be more hurt if the nature of the offense if physical, whilst girls will place more of an issue when it has to do with matter of the heart?

My tentative theory is that girls are more inclined to be with a guy due to their internals (no, not bodily organs, you know what I mean), whilst guys place a larger emphasis on external appearances.

Then again, I might have this concept wrong, and it might be girls that have a problem with physical cheating, etc...

Tell me readers, what's the general consensus...


Yau said...

Its hard to generalize. Both forms of infidlity are obviously wrong. But I've heard that girls would take greater offence by their guy if he had an affair and kept a mistress on the side. Its like he's not able to devote all his attention and love to her. But historically, humans have been able to function in a polygmous society. Its only lately, due in a large part to Christianity impact on Western Society, that mongamous relations are considered the norm in developed nations.

Unknown said...

both are wrong. it's just that one is visible and the other...not. girls definitely find it a problem if their other is physically cheating. but then again, there are a whole range of girls as there are a whole range of guys.

the being with a guy? it's true that guys are attracted to the appearance and girls are attracted by the attention she receives from the guy but for a girl, good looks are a plus (depending on which girl you are talking to) and for guys, a great personality to match the looks is a bonus (again, depend on which guy you talk to)

it all boils down to who you're talking to is what i'm trying to say. too difficult to stereotype.

Anonymous said...

Mmm... yeah it's hard to generalise ... depends on the individual.

but yeah... internal cheating hurts for me. physical too... you know how i get when people touch my man! hahaha. that's right, i make them cry in my drunken rage!

Anonymous said...

my i never thought of that... girls have something called a 'heart'.... I hope i have that.