Wednesday, May 24, 2006

narcan episodes...

I was out of this one, but the other resies responded to a, I guess a near OD, in the laneway last night... a guy was on the nod, and when they couldn't get him to respond, the ambos were called in - as soon as they got there (the ambos), he got up and refused narcan (something the medicos use to flush out heroin from the system) saying he was allergic to it, however the ambos saying that they had a duty of care to do so, and so therefore if not allowed would call the cops... hats off to my resies, for another job well done...


Freakatronic said...

Wah! The so dramatic one, lah!

Christop said...

Narcan actually reverses the effects of heroin temporarily rather than flushing it out. So after the narcan wears off there is usually still heroin in the person's body. So if a person injects again straight after being given narcan they'll have even more heroin in their blood stream, but it just won't effect them until the narcan wears off.