Saturday, May 27, 2006

The paths we walk...

Thursday night, Urban Seed hosted a fundraising concert that's been annually organised by Malleson's (I think that's how you spell it, the law-firm-place), a concert featuring a chamber ensemble (string instrumental group).

All of us @ Urban Seed were on hand to help out... and during the course of the night, I bumped into an old high school friend, Jack Hoi.

It'd been about 8 years or so since I'd last seen him (i.e. since high school), and it was so interesting to contrast the different paths we'd chosen...

He'd finished his Eng/Law degree with what must have been brilliant marks, as he is now currently working for Boston Consulting (who only encourage the top 5% of uni classes to apply) as a management consultant. His girlfriend was part of the string ensemble, so not only is she a skilled violinist, but being part of the group would place her as a lawyer @ Malleson's.

To me this used to be the best that any university graduate could ever hope to achieve - the perfect job (the starting salary is ridiculous), and the idealic, complimentary and brilliant significant other.

And whilst I indulged my fantasies for a bit and wondered what it would be like to live a life of such extreme comfort, and perhaps sophistication, I found myself re-affirming my own footsteps. Jack's life is one that most of the people I know aspire too, and perhaps I did @ one time too.

It was great to see that he was doing well, and seemed happy, but I love where I am in life, and what I chase now. I love being so happy and grateful for the little I sometimes think I have, and where the riches in my life are found in the people that surround me. I love that I'm attracted to "cruel and unusual" girls - she must be brilliant though, in who she is, but I think I'll be ok if it's not violin or lawyer-ing :)


Christop said...

Just think: if it had been you sitting there as a big business guy with the violinist lawyer girlfriend you wouldn't have got to see me drink six cups of orange juice and six cups of cold tea.

Rebecca said...

Hey Nate (my first post on your blog...I've been lurking for a while!)...I knocked back those jobs n I'm so happy for it...there's been times when I've cried, because I'm so thankful that I managed to muster up the courage to make the decisions I have.

Sometimes it's hard to hear the still small voice, over the clamouring of elitism, glamour, and society's beliefs about what success is.

And yeah, you won't meet many Chris' in those big glamorous firms...

Freakatronic said...

You're right man. Who wants to settle down? It's not like it's wrong or anything, but hell...there are adventures out there. Stuff lawyers and violinists only dream about. Yeah. Freaking yeah. Of course, as a guy who will die as poor as he was born, I would say that, wouldn't I? Rahaha!