Tuesday, May 23, 2006


breakups are frikkin painful - yeah, some days are ok, maybe even good, but some days just suck. When I go through this crap, I keep wondering why anyone would put themselves out there like that (i.e. relationship) when there's the potential to feel this wonderful @ the end of it... :(


Freakatronic said...

You're right. Pain, pain, pain eh? But then, as humans we only get to feel and understand anything by contrast. I don't know. I do know that it passes. I still think you're better off hating it from the outset. At least then you know how it's gonna end up.
Hey, there's always Osaka. Rahaha! No you can't have Chiyuki.

Unknown said...

??? i haven't read your blog in a while and what's this i read?

sometimes i wish i had all the time in the world to catch up with people but in reality, i'm chockerblocked to my eyeballs with assignments, study and church.

i'll catch up with you soon natey.

p.s. i agree with mikey. but not the hating bit. pain definitely makes you human, but don't go about hating things. everything you experience make you the man you are today.

Yau said...

Hey there nathan! Cheer up. Do what I do. Go running for 1 hour. if that doesn't work- run for another 3 hours. Afterwards- you'll totally forget your problems.