Monday, May 29, 2006

D's for degrees...

... dammit, it's such a hard gay phrase, but it's going to get me through!! Whenever I've been feeling unfocussed or distracted, this is what Mikey will say - and it's so bizarre, cuz it works :S

Pretty happy with the work I put in over the weekend, 1600 words done for one assignment over sat/sun and then studied for a test (worth 5%) today, did it, and got 95%... just have to finish the assignment (3k words all up), and it's onto exams...

... d's for degrees...

someone tell me why...

... when it comes to the concept of "cheating" on partners, guys will be more hurt if the nature of the offense if physical, whilst girls will place more of an issue when it has to do with matter of the heart?

My tentative theory is that girls are more inclined to be with a guy due to their internals (no, not bodily organs, you know what I mean), whilst guys place a larger emphasis on external appearances.

Then again, I might have this concept wrong, and it might be girls that have a problem with physical cheating, etc...

Tell me readers, what's the general consensus...

Woo hoo...

... ~1200 words done today, I think it's time to sleep :) Another 1500 to go...

Has anyone got...

... a good copy of "My Sassy Girl"? I'm up late working on assignments (due in on Friday, so I think I'm doing ok), and this movie crossed my mind... I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's really sad... dunno, I think I'm partial to a sad romance movie @ the moment...

Saturday, May 27, 2006

In rememberance...

Last night I attended a get-together organised by Sab, in celebration for Gene's graduation (Thursday night). I heard it was a nice event, the ceremony.

It was good to see some old friends, and to gather in honour of him, but a little subdued nonetheless.

Gene was like a little brother to me, and remembering his loss makes me feel like an idiot for going on about my own struggles sometimes - to realise that I'm blessed to have struggles, the chance to still direct my life and take risks, and yes, sometimes fall hard...

Photos from the festival...

Here are some photos that were taken @ the Jap festival last weekend...

The paths we walk...

Thursday night, Urban Seed hosted a fundraising concert that's been annually organised by Malleson's (I think that's how you spell it, the law-firm-place), a concert featuring a chamber ensemble (string instrumental group).

All of us @ Urban Seed were on hand to help out... and during the course of the night, I bumped into an old high school friend, Jack Hoi.

It'd been about 8 years or so since I'd last seen him (i.e. since high school), and it was so interesting to contrast the different paths we'd chosen...

He'd finished his Eng/Law degree with what must have been brilliant marks, as he is now currently working for Boston Consulting (who only encourage the top 5% of uni classes to apply) as a management consultant. His girlfriend was part of the string ensemble, so not only is she a skilled violinist, but being part of the group would place her as a lawyer @ Malleson's.

To me this used to be the best that any university graduate could ever hope to achieve - the perfect job (the starting salary is ridiculous), and the idealic, complimentary and brilliant significant other.

And whilst I indulged my fantasies for a bit and wondered what it would be like to live a life of such extreme comfort, and perhaps sophistication, I found myself re-affirming my own footsteps. Jack's life is one that most of the people I know aspire too, and perhaps I did @ one time too.

It was great to see that he was doing well, and seemed happy, but I love where I am in life, and what I chase now. I love being so happy and grateful for the little I sometimes think I have, and where the riches in my life are found in the people that surround me. I love that I'm attracted to "cruel and unusual" girls - she must be brilliant though, in who she is, but I think I'll be ok if it's not violin or lawyer-ing :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

inspiring people...

... the more I get to know the people I work with here, the more I'm in awe, and feel lucky, to be able to call them colleagues.

There's a girl that works with us @ Urban Seed, who's going through one of the most scariest ailments, and has been testing all this week with treatment to start next week...

And although she isn't allowed to eat before these tests (12hrs of no food), she still came in today to help us clean up after Credo... and she's not a nut, she's not getting paid to do clean-up, she doesn't talk about it, and she's a young, beautiful girl.

I've known people (including myself!!) to have taken days of work for far, far less. To be surrounded with people of such depth... just blows me away.

narcan episodes...

I was out of this one, but the other resies responded to a, I guess a near OD, in the laneway last night... a guy was on the nod, and when they couldn't get him to respond, the ambos were called in - as soon as they got there (the ambos), he got up and refused narcan (something the medicos use to flush out heroin from the system) saying he was allergic to it, however the ambos saying that they had a duty of care to do so, and so therefore if not allowed would call the cops... hats off to my resies, for another job well done...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


breakups are frikkin painful - yeah, some days are ok, maybe even good, but some days just suck. When I go through this crap, I keep wondering why anyone would put themselves out there like that (i.e. relationship) when there's the potential to feel this wonderful @ the end of it... :(

Congrats Kaos & Emma...

two of the people who are a part of the credo community brought a new life to the table Sunday night... Oscar-Ferdinand something something...

I was storing the bike for the night when Kaos came wandering up and told me the good news... I have no idea what it's like to have a kid, but the enthusiasm is unbelievable contagious... it was a pretty damn decent way to close out the weekend...

the weekend in brief...

Fri night I crashed Brave cell, was good to interrupt est again... Sat arvo went to iDream with Karen... a meeting that forced uncomfortable confrontation with emotions I'd been repressing, and hence something I probably really needed... coffee with karen... focus group with ange & mikey... late night kfc with mikey... Sun was jap fest with yeungs, al & vee (and assorted others), nap @ parents, ACF Rowville visit, dinner with ange and mikey... and then home to the city...

to my friends...

the last week has been an emotionally hard one, and could have been much, much harder if it weren't for my magnificent friends...

... my fellow resies (ali, chris, nomes and ray), who have put up with me so much, and have given me so much, you guys get me through the tough weeks...

... my closest friends, mikey, ange... I love having friends that I love so much...

... my fellow braves... al, vee, est, karen, wes... who are there with the life-saving hugs and add the much needed colour to my life...

I realised last night that at the vulnerable points of last week, there was always someone there to help me through, pick me up a little... and to those people, thank you... again

Monday, May 22, 2006


rode home last night... was frikkin cold... so I got in, looked it up, and yeah... 7degrees (plus the wind chill @ 100+ klicks an hour)...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

everyone meet christop...

I've been meaning to get around to doing this for the longest time, so here it is! Done! Christop's blog, fellow resie (and penguin for this week) has been linked on the righthand side, or you can just click here.

Or here... here... maybe here if you like this one better...

nate @ the movies...

thanks dre for the invite, but I figure I should lay off games for a bit... I WILL join you guys one day though :)

Last night @ nova I saw "Where the truth lies" - a mystery/murder type movie, arthouse-y (only showing in a few cinemas) and rated somewhat well... it wasn't bad... Tonight I saw MI3 @ Hoyts, Melb Central, and that wasn't bad either...

Have been actively attempting to rejoin life, after being a little inspired by my meeting fun people incident, and mikey/est pick-me-ups (refer to previous posts)...

And as such, have made it a point, that I won't be @ home moping & depressed - have started filling up my dance card, and once again am @ the point where there are things that I'm looking forward to... and not just getting through the day with as little pain as possible...

Which is why the last two movie nights have been nights I'd made it a point to see movies, by myself - which also brought up the question in my head, isn't that what movies are ideal for anyways... I mean, how much do you get to know/spend time with your friends when you go see a movie with them...

Anyways... they turned out really great... the cinemas were a place where I had no responsibilities, my life @ that point was not interruptable and the only person I had and wanted to worry about, was me... and after long days/weekend @ work, I dunno... it was just great...

Esp with the tickets @ nova being cheaper on Mondays, and the cinemas having such a comfy feel... those seats are great, and the cinema is small enough to feel personal, but the screen large enough to make it feel like something special is happening...

... I'm rambling... I should sleep :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Fun meeting new people...

I'd forgotten what it was like to meet new, fun people... I got to meet Vicky, Karen's friend last night @ Donalds and that was fun. I gotta make it a point to meet fun, new people more often :D

On a side note, am going to be freer than usual these coming nights... so if any of you feel like doing something (esp if it's in the city), give me a hoi hoi... might see a movie tonight @ cheap-Monday-Nova...


Woke up felt, completely down and depressed... then the arvo came, and mikey and est proceed to cheer me up with their random banter! Here's a "rahaha" to good friends!

Weekend lowdown...

Common misconception: retreat over the weekend was a holiday... noooooooooo...

I mean, it was good and fun and all, but it was quite a working weekend - it wasn't just the resies and staff that went up, but for the 10 x Urban Seeders, there were also about 15-20 transitory people (homeless, unemployed, recovering drug users, etc), which was the whole point of the retreat, to give people opportunities that they might not normally have.

Sleeping in a cabin with two loud snorers and a sleep-talker, playing ping pong, going on long walks with magnificent views, seeing the new growth over the fireburnt forests, learning that to deal with an epileptic case is to sing and play guitar for them in the shower, learning how responsive the police in the region are to calls, sharing an aussie bbq with english girls and driving the four hours home, half asleep...

I think that just about sums it up... will get photos up when I get them off my cam...

Friday, May 12, 2006

There's so much to do... and so much to do...

Not that I even have that much time that I can spare to be here, but I've also realised that this is one of the only ways my family and those close to me know what I'm doing...

In brief, I'm off to Credo Retreat (we're going to Halls Gap, Grampians) tomorrow arvo, back on Sunday evening, just so you guys know that I'm not lying in a gutter unconscious somewhere :P

Credo Retreat is where we, the staff, organised a getaway for those who come to lunch - when you don't have much, you don't have many holidaying options. We'll be heading up with about 10 staff and 25 lunchers...

The last week or so has been extremely busy with preparations, and uni work. Today for example, I'd felt pretty pleased after allocating every single minute of my day to necessary and urgent tasks (breaks? what are they?) when a situation with a girl needing crisis accommodation suddenly came up - a huge example of the interrupt-ability of a resie life :S I'm sure glad there's five of us...

Take care, those few nate-blog readers, and I'll update when I return :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

Always learning...

... it really is funny, how the more you learn, the more you realise how little you know :)

I'm lucky enough to have someone as travelled as Uncle TT as a mentor, and this is an excerpt from one of my correspondance e-mails:

"... there isn't a week that goes by where I'm not stretched, and not forced to dig deeper into God for strength. Am still learning so much about the ministry of reaching those in need, and realising that the bigger and more exciting things that happen here, such as diffusing fights on the street, are just as important as chopping the vegetables for every lunch, or sweeping the floors."

What to say...

... like my sis, it's a bit contradicting, but haven't been here for awhile because a lot has happened...

... some of the stuff, I was uncomfortable with sharing to all. But nonetheless, here I am once again.

It's a bit funny, because the way I open up to people, is slowly, cautiously... and I have a feeling that it'll be the same as my blog. That the posts will be a little less personal, until post by post, me and blog-gy are close enough again...

But, with every journey of a thousand steps (do I sound wise??? :P), here's me taking the first one... oh, and hi to all, esp those I haven't seen in awhile :)