Saturday, January 07, 2006

so much to blog about... not enough brain power...


In the span of, well I guess half a month (since my last post), so much has happened that has been blog worthy, but everytime I've sat down in front of the keyboard, the words have failed me

Being able to write the sentences that will do justice to the experiences that I've been blessed with is a daunting task that looms at every blog composition session...

But whilst it does not contain any of the content of the past many weeks, I can type this post about the amazing day that is today, and I can re-affirm that it is not a bad day to be alive :)

I'm sitting in Jo's room, on her mega supa computer, looking out the window @ what is a beautifully blue sky - one that's not brilliant white with heat, nor one that's overcast grey, listening to the real version (i.e. not addy composed) of "I can only imagine", gradually losing myself in quiet worship, and for me, slowly finding again the things that really matter

It's the start of a new year, 2005 is no more, and with 7 days already crossed and gone, it's high time to get stuck into 2006. For me it's going to be a year that's going to be so different, so alien and new, well at least, if all goes well :P

My wish? Is that you and I will experience all that God will have for us this year, and that I'll get to do it, with all of you.

Let's make this year the best one yet!


Freakatronic said...

I think every year ends up being that - 'the best one yet'. It seems unavoidable, especially to one like me, blessed with the worst memory on Earth. But you're right, there's such a lot to look forward to! That makes it seem daunting but hell, it makes you feel alive at the same time.

Anonymous said...

anything new exciting ... except when you have to learn so much new stuff!!!

Unknown said...

somehow, i'm not feeling what everyone's feeling about the new year. feels like just another day. BUT there are things to look forward to and i'm looking forward to them.

Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to agree with Deb... but feel for Ange. ;)

>> Korea

Anonymous said...

Hey Nate! Aw..that post was really sweet and encouraging =)
UM-just incase u didn't realise/know-this is not some random stalker =P it's mee-MEL! HAHA..ok, like as in don's sis from ACF.

Best of luck for 2006~ and i wish the same thing, for everyone's relationship with God to grow too!
[God Bless]