Wednesday, January 18, 2006

d3 continued...

General things we've been up to include semi-drinking games last night to get to know each other! Hehehe, when you see me next, remind me to go through "fuzzy duck" if you've not heard of it... hehehehe, that game cracks me up...

We also went through a whole bunch of questions, from which we've gleaned a list of (favourite) movies we're all going to make a point to watch throughout the year! See? They ARE my kind of people :P Titles like Magnolia, Goonies (!!), Death to Smoochie are going to make this year that much more fun, and of course the classics (not mine, funnily enough) include Back to the Future, parts I & II.

Today was by far the hardest to get through, having only gotten 5 hours of sleep (the person responsible for which will go unnamed - RLS is their punishment I say...) and a topic by which I'm squeamish as about - needles!!

We went over what to do in an OD, how to handle and dispose sharps/fits, the various lingo, refresher CPR (rremember DR ABC everyone??? I didn't...) and... OYB - it's a way of getting the drug into your bloodstream if all your veins have collapsed.

10pts if anyone can figure what OYB stands for... *still squeaming*... needless to say, I was quite queasy all the way through this mornings session... bleh...


Freakatronic said...

OYB...OYB...nope. I sort of expected something to come to me if I just chewed it for long enough. But I can't. And from your description of your response, it's probably for the best.

Unknown said...

oyb?...eww. bi have no idea what it means...maybe al does.

Unknown said...

bi? did i type that? shame on me i have both eyes on the tv. i meant btw.

Anonymous said...

guess who decided to read ur bloody blog today... i've said too much already..