Sunday, January 29, 2006


long time no post, well long time no breath :S

Orientation week is finally over, and in hindsight, it's been a bit of a back breaker :P

Since the last post, I learnt about everyday spirituality, did common work, learnt about using your body to 'balance' a room (pechang: non-violent solutions to violent situations), and made a pumpkin lasagne, amongst other things, with everything coming to a close on Friday.

Also helped out from 6:30am-4:30pm with Sam and Joyous's wedding, which pretty much KO'd me for the day (thurs).

Saturday was mega sleep in day (!!), woke up, met up with Ange and Mikey for lunch, then went off to the first of the Chinese New Year dinners @ Malaya, which kinda sucked... bad service, mediocre food and drunk people (from other tables) singing karaoke are not my idea of the ideal CNY celebration :(

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