Wednesday, November 02, 2005

what a month :S

was going to go through the whole subtext of what had gone on these last couple of weeks, but just thinking about it has me a little giddy...

Somehow (still not quite on the other side (do you ever really get there?!)), I seem to have (so far) ended up fairly right side up...

A lot I could go into detail about, but for now, will just point skyward and give some credit to where it's always due... thanks Big Guy, for being a good One :)

Time to hop back onto the rollercoaster ride and see where it all ends up.


Unknown said...

have you finished your 12 questions yet? and tell us about your rollercoaster ride over almond croissants! hehe. yum!

Freakatronic said...

Yeah...almond. I can't wait. I gotta get something that's really yummy...yummier than almond croissants...HOW THE HELL IS ANYTHIN YUMMIER?! Man, I'm gonna need like appleapplesomething. That's hella yummy. Not chicken juice though. That's just gross.

Anonymous said...

Mmm bop!