Thursday, February 01, 2007

ro·mance (rō-māns', rō'māns')

I come across a lot of people in my travels, of both single and attached varieties, complaining of a lack of romance in their lives; and no, I don't frequent singles bars, and as far as I can tell, the topic does not seem to be mutually exclusive to the social circles you might think I'm referring to (you know who you are!!)

Guys complaining about not knowing what to do, and how unfair that the onus is on them; girls complaining that guys just have no clue...

And whilst I find it fun sometimes to jump into light conversation on the idiosynchrosies that occur in the various realms of interactivity between genders (an intellectual way of saying "I'm from COC" or, "BGR"), it admittedly does frustrate me quite a bit

No, I'm not writing this with any ONE criminal in mind, I'm writing this with ALL of you in mind :P

Romance, like joy, is not a fleeting feeling, but a conscious state of mind, it's a life attitude; It is up to YOU to make a conscious decision to make your life romantic :)

Not that the Left are the best in everything, but charismatics have a tendency to just let life happen, perhaps to an extreme, and then just lament that it does; God is sovereign yes, and there ARE seasons of waiting, but there are also seasons to murder... whoops, I mean, do stuff :P God, an incredibly creative being, gave us all brains (then again, if you're reading this blog, you probably have a pretty small one :P) and surrounds us EVERY day with inspiration; how much of these talents, these gifts, of nature and our environments do we "bury"?

And don't try and counter with "but natey, it's easy for you because you already have someone"; ask anyone around me, even in the periods of singleness (yes yes ange / mikey, however brief they may be :P), I DO romantic things; it's who I am, it's who I enjoy being

I watch soppy movies (by myself), I skate along the beach, I go to dance classes... etc, etc...

I'm romantic to my close friends; a little extra thought can turn a present of coasters into the surprise of a thoughtful, relevant gift; a hug here, lotsa hugs there... well, ok, whilst I'm usually giving them, I'm having heaps of fun for me with them too :P

LOVE who you are, and in a world that teaches how to achieve your own goals, to look after your own self, be passionate about the people around you; it is who I am now, and the only way I want to live


Freakatronic said...

I prefer the pronounciation where you call it 'romaance'. It sounds more romantic that the word itself. Rahaha!

I have to admit though...if there was anything I'd like to learn from you, it'd be your ability to plan things that make people know you put some thought in. I suck at it. And I have no idea whether my little html attempt there will work...

I have no idea why I'd be included as a target for this post though. I categorically never mention girl trouble to you in my passings by, nor have I ever thought to.

Freakatronic said...

Rahaha! I can html for 'bold'! I ROCK!!

Unknown said...

actually, yeah. mikey never mention girl stuff...except for chiyuki.

some guys actually do know how to romance (including you) and yeah, it doesn't have to be directed at this one particular person. although that would be a special thing.

good on you, natey. making your life romantic.

xoxo d

Anonymous said...

I guess I can't really be peeved at this post because the more I think about it, the more I have to admit You're right =Þ
So kudos for having the courage I lack to seize life, to risk pride and friendship in going all out for something that holds the promise of joy..
You deserve it, Natey! Hugsss!!

p/s: And thanks again for morphing into Spider Nate to rescue the imprisoned Keys!