Tuesday, February 20, 2007

nate's notes


“The lesson is this: God is personal, but never private. If God is not personal, there is little meaning to faith. It merely becomes a philosophy or a set of teachings from religious figures who died long ago. Without a personal God, there is no personal dimension to belief. There is no relationship to transformation without a personal God, and no power that can really change our lives beyond mere self-improvement.”

nate’s thoughts: Passages like this show me that the author IS being relatively measured in his approach; neither taking a partisan side (i.e. left vs. right). It also challenges me; is the God I subscribe too, and choose to orientate my life to, is He my personal God also?

To find that balance where God is not simply a super-side kick that we can command around or ask to do things for us, but to also not live in the other extreme where it can be just acts, even if socially engaging and impacting, without a personal faith at the core of it all... I find this so hard to do... but the constant search for this balance keeps my faith alive, vibrant and real... it is painfully and annoyingly lifting :P

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