Monday, March 06, 2006

Being Intentional

I guess the Games are here soon - I came home last night down the laneway as usual to find 10 policemen @ the backdoor :S Wonder what they thought... some little asian guy in bike gear walking down a darkened alley towards them :P

The weekend wasn't a bad one, went to birthday shing on Friday night and ended up staying the night @ the parents. Went to Life Expedition on Sunday morning (it still boggles me how people can get up for morning services...) and just did nothing in particular for arvo into today :)

The title of this post? I caught myself thinking this morning that I was doing well in keeping things under control, when it hit me that that was not the way I wanted to do things.

Had been thinking about the week ahead, with uni and Urban Seed and all, and thinking that yeah, it was all roughly there, no sweat.

But I don't want to get to the end of the year like that!! Like the parable of the servants and the talents, I don't want to be the servant that hid his talent, and just got by.

I'm lucky, to be in places where I have chances to shine and make life - in uni, I have the chance to do as well as I want to academically, with Urban Seed I have the chance to really do get into somethings that are socially impacting.

I don't want to be an ordinary colleague, student, boyfriend, brother or son. I don't want to get to 2007 and just say yeah, I got by.


Guess that also means my lunch break (literally) is over... back to work...


Freakatronic said...

Good to hear you're doing alright. I'm covering this computer with viral fingerprints. Whoever touches it next has about a half a week, and then that'll be it. They'll be sneezing and feeling bad like they thought it was a good idea. I don't care if it makes no sense.

Freakatronic said...

Oh...I could have sworn that the title of your post was "Being International"...ugh...

Think I'm dying of retardedness...

Unknown said...

the sign uni is doing something to you, mikey.

it's all well wanting your year to be so great that when you look back, you just hope the future is going to be greater. the hard thing is to carry it out