Thursday, March 30, 2006

and a bumper Wed night too...

Even though the Festival Melbourne is over, Next Wave continues...

Finished up class, had something to eat, and then me and ami checked out a night exhibition @ the Old Melbourne Gaol...

Free, and mostly darkened out, they give you a torch to tour around, with each cell containing an artists work - was a very surreal experience, as it was very much like being part of a scary movie with trick rooms, or even an old Sierra style detective game - there weren't many people there either, so you'd walk into a room, no, a prison CELL by yourselves with minimal light and sometimes an eerie soundtrack... "Nathan has walked into a darkened room, where a portrait of the deceased looks down on him - he notices something shiny on the floor"... or it's a scene where the hero is discovering a hidden hoo doo room, deep in the dark attic, where you're screaming in your cinema seat for him to "get the f@$$ out of there"...

The kicker (and screamer) was the exhibition that used the PADDED cell - this is one sick (no, not in the COOL moniker sense) room :S Padded ALL around (stained pads, not your nice, sterile types), from floor to roof, there's NO light, except for your torch, and the sound of soft static... the door is also closed for each playing - the static crescendos into some loud, thundering... something, I can't remember, cuz we was trying to get the hell out of there @ that point... *heart beating fast again*...

But yup, if you're game, definitely recommended - starts @ 8pm, and did I mention it was free? :P


Freakatronic said...

Sure. Think I'll head out there after school, alone. Might take a nap in that padded cell. Sounds nice.

Anonymous said...

dont swear. or if u want to swear then say it. dont hide behind a tree and swear!

Anonymous said...

if u think ur head doesnt talk to u, u should have visted this site. your head does talk! it requires a well padded room to capture ur bouncing inner voice!