Thursday, March 30, 2006


I've been procrastinating since forever about updating this, and so I'm finally going to do it!!

I wish I'd done it sooner, and been able to put more detail, but in short, since the last post, I'd been to a gay bar in Frankston, done copious amounts of festival melbourne, some good, some not so good, went to the boxing, finished a months-long project web site, drove to sydney & back within 24hrs... I think that's it...

Here's a few photos of my travels... and there are more on my flickr (the "nates photos" link on the right)...


Unknown said...

ahahaha!! i like the first photo of you with the drumstick. you're like a little boy waiting for him to stop talking so you can finally ask:
"can i have my icecream now?"

Avid Diva said...

I like the picture on the empty street. Great dimensions.

Freakatronic said...

Rahaha! Dwarved by that ice cream. Is that how to spell 'dwarved'? I don't think I've ever used that word before. Hm...