Saturday, September 29, 2007

The state of the world... or at least nate's head...

I don't know quite what to make of it all.

The night in segments:

1) Tonight was the end of the local charismatic church conference, and it ended with a good message that really hit home for me about the core of the gospel; about how we, as Kaiwin would put it, are "dirty, rotten sinners", and we all fall short of the glory of God

2) As one would expect a very triumphant closure to the conference then came about, with high praise; a celebration of sorts, lots of noise, loud, loud music, lots of movement

3) Then contrasted with a bit of an aimless drive around the 'burbs, by myself listening to the BBC reports about the incredible situation in Burma; of hearing over the scratchy AM airwaves of the incomprehensible strength of the Burmese, in the face of a corrupt government, in the face of massively violent retaliations, standing up not for themselves, but for their nation. Of movements around the world rallying support for the embattled peoples, on a huge global scale

4) And then getting home, and reading in "What's so amazing about grace?" about incredible acts of grace throughout history, the very strength (and not weakness) of grace, and how grace, perhaps moreso than violence, can dramatically change history

Add all of that up, and you get something that doesn't quite fit into a nice neat package that is easily digestable and regurgitable, and I'm sure a large part of it is just my own lack of comprehension skills, rather than an enormous complexity of thoughts, but it's a little confusing / challenging / provoking nonetheless...


Anonymous said...

=) Perhaps hoping for simplicity and straighforward comprehension is just a bit too much to reach for? After all, life and the world at large has never been either simple or straighforward.. and our brains were never big enough to take in the enormity of His plans that span continents and countless human lifetimes.
Logic is often what we hinge our daily lives on - what we do at work etc and it's crucial. But I think there is a weakness in trying to attach logic to everything we come across because logic is limited to our own individual intellectual boundaries, thus making it a subjective measure.. Maybe it's a cop-out but sometimes struggling with logic gets us nowhere and we find that the only road left for us is the path to acceptance...?

Freakatronic said...

I gotta say, Corey was my pleasant surprise of the week. Oh, and the sermon you ditched on Sunday night only got worse...

...I really wanna know - where the hell do these guys come from?! And what are they doing at my church?!

Anonymous said...

it's so hard to keep up when we try to engage with so many things

Anonymous said...

btw... Corey Turner church planted 'Kingdom Life Church' in Ringwood about a year or so ago.