Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sunday night

Some part of me wishes I had photos from the night, but for the most, I think I’m content with the specialness of the moment being captured solely in the hearts and minds of those there that night

A life highlight, one that leaves me wondering how such things occur; are they purely happy hap stance, where the right combination of people, in the right temperaments and the right frame of mind are sitting around the right shaped table? Or is it possible for these to be brought about on a regular basis… were we subconsciously subscribing to the ethos of Credo Café, of spirituality, sociality and food-iology?

At this point you might be trying to figure out what wondrous occasion I encountered that night, what momentous event had come to pass…

To which I would answer, t’was verily the simpleness of an ordinary meal, with the perfect company, willing to lend themselves in banter and humility to produce sparkling conversation…

Whilst the recent camp would most probably be the highlight of recent events for most, the dinner was for me, by far the most extraordinary


Freakatronic said...

Yah, it was good eh?


Frickin zombies...

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. sorry mikey!!! I was really famished by then~ Yeah it was a great dinner~
In all honesty though, was keeping out of most of the discussion that evening.. partly coz I wanted to play Wii, partly coz it was, "AAAaaaaarrghhhh!!! WHAT THE?? @#$%^&*!!!"
=) Not often i keep my trap shut~

Anonymous said...

heh heh. Well i could say something to that, but won't. Well, the term 'round table' has taken on a whole new meaning. I want to get a round table. Sue, can we get a round table?? or imaginary one?

Anonymous said...

You enjoyed dinner without me?!? :o(

Anonymous said...

Karen, would LOVE to get a round table especially atm~ =D... MAN!! Heaps to catch up on... and it's only since Camp weekend =D ... not used to hearing news about you from others =)

Anonymous said...

People are talking about me? Again?? these ears.. they don't stop burning!!