Wednesday, October 03, 2007

T-minus 11 days...

... to the City Romp!! A quasi-Amazing Race that 12 of us will be playing on the 14th Oct; it's taken a lot of wrangling and a lot more e-mails, but it seems to be slowly coming together, and the team pages have gotten me psyched, as they're pretty fun... :D

China Chickens

City Seekers

It looks like it might be a lot of fun, and for a good cause too (The Burnet Institute):
By participating in the Romp you’ll be helping to raise money to fund medical research and public health programs that will benefit people across Australia and overseas. We work on a range of diseases like measles, HIV, hepatitis, malaria and TB; breast, ovarian and prostate cancers; as well as diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

=( AAaarrrghhh!!! Can't believe I'm missing this!! Ah, but for my Chinatong-heritage-filial-piety obligations!!