Friday, October 05, 2007

How dare I...

I've just finished another chapter in Phil Yancy's "What's so amazing about grace?", and out of many, many incredible points he makes in that chapter, there was one that took me back a bit; Christian gays

I have to admit my instinctive reaction was to immediately (even in all my liberalness) regard this as a contradiction in terms; "Christian" gays? That's just not possible...?

It went into a short but (for me) insightful look into the a church for gay people, and after my seconds of ungraceful thought, and further reading, it hit me

What gives me the right to consider gays any less righteous than me!! For ALL have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God; not for SOME have sinned a little bit and don't fall that short... I have SINNED and deserve rightfully an eternity shunned by Him

So what then is the difference between a church filled with us sinners, and a church filled with gay sinners; can we legitimately call a church like Hillsong a church any closer to God than a gay church?

How then, can I dare think that anyone of us is any less of a sinner, than someone who struggles with homosexuality


Anonymous said...

Slam me down for being pious, I don't care.

I'm thinking that the controversy about Christian gay churches (and Bishops/Pastors/Ministers who actively practive Homosexuality) is the issue of repentance. Do these people intend to continuously and actively pursue sin in their lifestyle? It's not a matter of 'we are all sinners therefore don't judge them.'

Why not establish church communities for active adulterers, drunkards, witches, astrologers and paedophiles who intend to stick with this lifestyle even though they 'love God'? It goes to show the lack of God's sanctifying power at work within them.

I'm sorry Natey... but I have to disagree with this hippy idea. Don't compromise God's value and make Him a laughing stock to the world. No wonder 'non-believers' don't take Christians seriously.

nate said...

Rom 14:22

"So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves."

Christop said...

Hmmm. What comes to mind to me is that I'm not going to repent of something that God is yet to convict me of. (Whether that's gay sex or drinking coffee that's made by company that rips of starving farmers.)