Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mick Duncan, a bible study, from Surrender '06

    Mark 10:17-25 The Rich Young Man

    Luke 9:57-62 The Cost of Following Jesus

    Luke 14:26 The Cost of Being a Disciple

"Who here will give a chapter of their lives away, just a chapter, and go and live amongst the poor and the needy? Be it in New Zealand, be it in Australia, be it in Bangkok, be it in Manilla, be it wherever; who here will give a chapter of their lives away?

So I've asked that question for nigh on 30 years and invariably, during the coffee breaks, and the lunch breaks, I get people who come up to me and they say "Mick, look I like the question, you know I like what you're saying... but I just got married" or "I've got little kids" or "I've got my career that I've just launched out on" or "I've just bought a house" or "I've just got this, or I'm just doing this"

When these people trot out these things, I say to myself that this person in front of me has a non-negotiable in their life; this person in front of me, they have allowed their non-negotiables to now call the shots in their lives

These people in front of me, have separated these non-negotiables from the hard sayings of Jesus; these non-negotiables they now rule this persons life

This person now has the issue with idolatory in their lives, but they can't see it; they have a blind spot. And if they choose not to see it, they have a love of darkness (John 3:19)"

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