Friday, July 06, 2007

How much is enough?

During lunch in the park, a little white girl came up to our group, and up to me (I'm guessing as I was the only non-Zulu, and therefore the least scary) and handed me a 100rand note!! She then wordlessly trotted back off to her (I think mother)

We found out that the mother had seen us, figured out what we were about, and wanted to give the money to us

I was pretty encouraged, and gave the money to the workers

The next day (today), I found out that the money was going to be split between the workers (from Masukwana), rather than going to the organisation itself

My initial emotional reaction was of a little outrage; the money was for the organisation! For the kids!!

It hadn't been just the workers that'd decided, it was something the whole department (and program co-ordinator, who's a really good guy) had decided

I then talked to Mathilde about it, and how I thought it was really strange (wrong), but then she put it in context for me; in a country where a car costs just as much (after conversion) as it does in Australia, these workers, these full-time youth workers, get 550rand a month; converted, that turns out as $AUS100, a month

I then figured... oh... ok... yeah, maybe an extra 33rand (or less than $AUS6) to each of them isn't a complete evil :S


Anonymous said...

mmm wow.
and what did you learn?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm.. Grey area...

Guess it could be viewed as helping God's people to help other ppl.

Plus God blesses those who toil for Him too~
