In all this haste to try and find my Souwth Afreekaan groove, I’ve neglected to blog about the place I’m staying @, the YDC;
It’s a house that’s right next to the Khayalethu (the boys shelter), with three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and common area (pictured)
And I’m staying with... drum roll... five girls :S 4 Dutchies and 1 Belgian, with 2 MORE Irish coming in this Friday... it’s a little bizar; ironically, because I’m the only guy, I get my own room whilst the girls are all having to share between the two rooms!!
Whilst not of any star rating, it’s a cozy-ish place, it has a roof and a few (please note it really is only a FEW) powerpoints; akin to a backpackers, I think, except the power gets tripped (i.e. lose electricity to the entire house) a few times a night... usually around supper preparation time... which is now... in the whole time of writing this post, the power tripped 3-4 times...
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