Friday, November 17, 2006

nate & the G20...

it's a bit surreal all the stuff that's sorta escalating seemingly out of nowhere in regards to the G20 - I say seemingly, as there've been heaps of awareness and mediatory activities, some good stuff by the Seedy mob, but me being a little slow on the uptake I'm probably only sorta getting it with the advent of so much police stuff happening at our front steps :S

it's going to be an awesome day, with heaps of events happening for you to both enjoy and be passionate about - my prayer, if any, would be for us ALL to be challenged, and pushed far beyond our comfort zones, by what God might be saying in the midst of it all

Note: I'll be @ the prayer & reflection space on the front steps of Collins Street Baptist

  • At 7:30am Friday morning A G20 Christian Collective will attempt to set up a "Third World and Environment Ministers Embassy" beside the barricades surrounding the Hyatt as a way of demonstrating the exclusion of the poor and other essential factors in the G20 meetings. This will begin a peaceful 60 hour non-stop vigil in solidarity with the excluded that will extend through to Sunday evening. You are welcome to join in for part or all of it

  • On Saturday between 9am and 3pm there will be a prayer and reflection space at Collins Street Baptist Church, with a sausage (and veggie burger) sizzle on the steps

  • Also on the Saturday, Make Poverty History is holding a festival in the Alexandra Gardens between 10am and 8pm. It will feature bands, stalls, information booths, and reflection spaces. For more information, see


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